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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 

Where are you and Daddy going without us? Enzo pouted after drying his mouth with a towel. He was in his pajamas, and had just finished washing his teeth, getting ready for bed

Why do you want to know?” 

Because Cilic and 1 are meant to come too. He explained

Hailey chuckled. She couldn’t help but think that he was sounding like his father

So you don’t want Daddy and Mommy to have some alone time?” 

Enzo frowned, then shook his head

Well, that’s so bad. It’s almost your bedtime so you can’t come with us. But we will be going out together tomorrow 

Promise?Enzo pouted

Hailey chuckled. Don’t you think you’re being too clingy for one who wants to be a big brother to Bella?” 

Enzo smiled shyly. I’m strong. I will take care of Bella. I will play with her and feed her some food.” 

Don’t get your hopes up little man.” 

No, I’m not mommy. I know it’s going to happen. You and Daddy are just taking so long to give us Bella.

A baby is not something we can just pick up from the grocery store. Sometimes it takes a while to have one.” 

Don’t worry, Mommy. I will be a patient big brother.Enzo grinned

She ushered Enzo back to the room and tucked him in bed. It was a big double sized bed and Ollie was already fast asleep. He was pretty exhausted from today’s activities

Once Enzo was already tucked in, Hailey sat beside him. The nanny will be here to watch you boys but don’t worry, your Daddy and I would only be out for two hours okay?” 

Don’t worry, Mommy. We will be good. You and Daddy should have fun.” 

Hailey smiled. Definitely.” 

She talked some more to Enzo until the little boy fell asleep. She kissed him and Ollie on their foreheads after which She exited the boysroom

Quietly shutting the door behind her, Hailey made her way to her bedroom. She saw Cole sitting on the couch in the room, with his eyes fixed on his phone

Hey,She smiled, making her way towards him. He reached out for her hand and she sat on his lap

You good?” 

More than ever. Cole smiled, putting his phone aside and wrapping his arms around Hailey’s waist.” I literally just had the best day of my life with you and the twins.” 

I’m glad you did. You deserve to be happy.” 

Do I?He arched his brow with a small smile playing on his lips


Chapter 58 

You do. You make the twins happy and even though I wouldn’t like to admit it. you make me happy too 

I do?” 

Sort of?” 

I am not going to lie that it was hard at first. There was this fear of getting hurt again. I wanted to trust you early enough but I couldn’t.” 

I’m grateful you did everything you did even though at some point I felt you were just being a pest 

Cole laughed

Yeah. I really did think that.She intertwined her hand with his

“What made you take a bullet for me?She asked, staring intently into his eyes

Cole shrugged

Say something. I want to know what was running through your mind on that day.” 

“I honestly don’t think I had a valid reason for doing that. It just felt right. I mean, I can’t watch you get hurt without doing anything to protect you.” 

“I always pick up fights with my Dad on so many things. And he would say I wouldn’t understand his actions until I have my own children. He claims to always protect me and my interest

And I honestly understood the feeling the day Enzo had his surgery” 

“I came to know that different types of love exist. The love I have for you is different from what I feel towards our children. It’s insane when I think about it because never did it occur to me that I would experience something so deep and beautiful.” 

Cole brought his hand to Hailey’s cheek and caressed it. You, Enzo and Ollie are my life and I would do whatever I can to protect you all. Even if it costs me my life

It’s just really painful that I messed up in the past. But I try not to think about it. I made a promise to myself that for the rest of my life on earth, I would do all I can to make you all smile.” 

I would be so jealous if Vanessa had gotten married to you.” 

Why?Cole asked, staring at her intently

I didn’t know much about you when I fell in love with you. But seeing you now and hearing you talk, I think I understand better. I spent nights trying to wonder how I must have fallen in love with a beast. But now I know that my heart knows better. It knew what it saw.” 

It has just been me, figuring life all by myself but I’d admit that it feels good to have you in my corner,” 

Because of the sex?Cole teased

Hailey blushed, playfully hitting his chest. Not just that. It feels good to be treated with love from someone who used to be my crush. The way you care about me amuses me. Thank you for everything that you do.” 

Cole smiled. He leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead

Nothing ever happened between me and Vanessa. I wouldn’t be with her even if she was the only woman on earth. It’s either you or no one else. Cole said, sneaking his handunder her dress, making her giggle

Chapter 48 

We are going to be late for our date” 

I know. But your body is asking for something else.” Cole brought both of his hands to her boobs, massaging it and instantly locating her nipples, fondling them


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