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Chasing My Ex-wife Back (Hailey and Cole) novel Chapter 6


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Hailey helped herself down from the car the moment Tyler pulled up in front of Summer Incorporations. Shel took a deep breath as she took in the whole building. It was the same as she remembered it to be. She was almost making her way in when she sighted another car parked opposite them and almost immediately, an individual came down from the back seat and it turned out to be him

Cole Luca Matthis 


She felt her heartbeat increase but that was it. In as much as she would hate to agree, he looked terrible. He was definitely looking like the problems of his company and that was not the Cole that she knew

Let’s go in, babe.Tyler approached her, interrupting her thoughts. He placed his hand on the small of her back. and was about to lead her in

She didn’t fail to see the way that Cole’s eyes burned with so much jealousy the moment Tyler approached her

Hailey and Tyler had only taken a few steps when she heard someone call out her name. Looking up in the direction of where the voice came from, it turned out to be a very familiar face

Itam!She let out a small smile the moment he approached her

Oh my God, Hailey, it’s really you!” 

It’s good to see you. I was still telling the boss about you and how much we missed you at the company.They all turned towards Cole and could see his eyes burning with anger and confusion. 

Good to see you too. This is Tyler.” 

Her boyfriend,Tyler said politely, exchanging a handshake with Itam

I’m happy for you. Don’t let her slip off your hands. She’s a treasure! I give you my word.” 

I won’t.Tyler smiled, possessively holding Hailey by her waist

We have to go. It was good to see you.Hailey mumbled. She and Itam shared a polite smile after which She made her way in with Tyler possessively clinging to her

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Itam smiled in disbelief, approaching Cole who stood still in pain and confusion. Itam frowned when he saw his 

fist bawling

Anything the matter, Sir!” 

Why were you smiling with my wife?The words already came out of his mouth harshly before he realized what 

he said

Itam frowned even deeper! Your wife? Who?” 

Only then did it hit Cole that no one knew that Hailey was his wife when they were together. He hid that information and always treated her like a regular staff

Hailey and I have always been on good terms that was why we exchanged polite greetings. Her boyfriend 

seemed fine with it.” 

Her….her boyfriend?Cole found himself stammering, his heart breaking into a million pieces

Yes, Sir. He introduced himself as her boyfriend.” 

Cole cursed internally, trying to hide his pain. Wondering how she could have a boyfriend when they weren’t officially divorced

Did she tell you why she’s here

No, Sir but she seemed to be in a hurry.” 

We should go in too, Sir. We are late for the meeting.Itam said, taking a glance at his wristwatch

Cole defeatedly tucked his hands in his pocket and made his way towards the entrance, walking side by y side with Itam

I thought Eric said he had disowned her. What the hell is she doing here?” 

Itam had no idea what his boss was saying so he just continued to mind his business. They approached the elevator and went all the way up to the floor that had the boardroom

I feel so irritated already. I can’t wait for the socalled emergency meeting to be ove…….Cole was saying as he stepped into the boardroom. He stopped in his tracks just by the entrance when he saw Hailey and the dude

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from earlier occupying seats. This time around one of his hands was on her lap and he couldn’t hold it in 


What the hell is going on here?Cole bluttered out, glaring at whom Itam earlier described as Hailey’s socalled boyfriend

Actually, all members of the board were seated. About eight of them, excluding Hailey and her boyfriend. The only person who was missing was Eric Summers

Have your seat, boy!Julz, the lawyer gestured to an empty seat

Seeing that other members of the board were giving him funny looks, Cole respected himself and went to take his seat which was opposite Hailey, while Itam waited outside and almost immediately, Eric graced them all with their presence. He froze for a few seconds before walking over to his seat with his head low, hardly making any eye contact with Hailey

Julz rose to his feet and was about to say something but was interrupted by the door which opened

So sorry, I’m late.The familiar voice came through and it turned out to be Vanessa Summers. Her eyes scanned. through the room

Her world crumbled when her eyes fell on who happened to be her stepsister

What is this bitch doing here?She referred to Hailey

Language woman!Julz cautioned

Seeing that she was indeed among distinguished members, She decided to compose herself and went ahead to take a seat

No, that’s not your position.Julz clarified as soon as she was approaching the empty seat at the head of the round table.” 


You came late and the most beneficial thing you can do for us right now is to not make a nuisance of yourself. Have you ever sat here before?Julz glared at her

As someone who wasn’t afraid of anyone, Vanessa returned the glare after which she went to occupy the space 


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beside Cole

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She intertwined her hand with his but he immediately shrugged her off. She tried to hide her hurt with a straight face, pretending that all was good

What is she doing here?She whispered, referring to Hailey

Cole gave her no response as he continued to stare at Hailey who was smiling at what her socalled boyfriend was whispering in her ear

Cole couldn’t bear the way his heart was breaking with so much jealousy

I’m most grateful to you all for being here on very short notice. But I’m glad to bring forth good news. We reached out to ENROL Enterprises and they have agreed to partner with us.” 

Finally! What a bitchy company!!Vanessa rolled her eyes, resting her back against the seat

Language, Vee.Eric cautioned his daughter

Oh please, Dad! We literally sent thousands of letters to them which they’ve ignored and they suddenly want to render their help?” 

And what would you have done if you were the owner of ENROL? Help every bankrupt company that comes to you on the verge of your own success?Tyler’s voice came through. He was already irritated by the way they were all staring at his girlfriend. The least he could do was to protect her from the vulturelooking personnels

Hailey placed her hand on his

No babe, She’s doing too much already,” Tyler replied

We are in an official meeting, No endearment please.Cole voiced out with a straight face

And who do you think you are to question me? What are you even doing here?Vanessa glared at Tyler

Babe, are you sure you still want to work with these people?He said to Hailey

What the hell is going on here? We heard Hailey was dead and here she is in the boardroom with her puppet. She has never worked in this company. Why is she here now?” 

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Enough!Eric tried to caution her daughter

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Come on Dad, She stole my man. You disowned her already, remember? What the hell is She doing here out of 

the blues?” 

It takes you nothing to stay wellbehaved,Eric said, trying to keep his cool

And why are you suddenly on her side?Vanessa rose to her feet

Because Hailey is the owner of ENROL and she has been kind enough to come all the way here to help solve this company’s mess. One more word for you and I’m going to order the security to throw you out. I told your father not to make you a shareholder but he insisted. Now look how much you’ve made yourself a nuisance before everyone!!!!” 

Vanessa stood in shock, in utter disbelief as she stared from Julz to Hailey and back at Julz. She had no idea what freaked her out the most, the fact that Julz lashed out at her or the fact that her stepsister who she tried to ruin was now the owner of the most successful company in the country

Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but words failed her. She took a glance at her Dad who was staring down at his hands on the table, then She slowly took her seat

Eric Summers is to step down as the CEO. Aide Summers, who was the founder of this company made it known in his will that the company should be handed to his first granddaughter once she turns 27. So Hailey would be acting in two capacities while Eric remains a member of the board,” 

HaileyJulz called her name, gesturing for her to come take a seat at the head of the round table

The moment Hailey rose to her feet, everyone in the room did the same, giving her the respect she deserves a the CEO of Summers incorporation

She gracefully took her seat after which everyone else sat down

I’m Hailey Riley.She started to say and the few people that knew her to be Hailey Summers stared in shock

I am not exactly glad to be here but I loved my grandfather so much so I have to fulfill his wishes.” 

Whenever we gather here, it is going to be for serious dealings only. No foul language or any display of unseriousness. If not, that individual will be fired!Hailey stated, staring at Vanessa



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