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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 96

Silas POV

She had been hiding from me all day, it was really starting to piss me. Why couldn’t she just be in the same room as me. When dinner time came, I walk upstairs to the room only to find her not there. Where did she go? I swore she said she had been in the room, though her scent wasn’t that strong like she hadn’t been in here since this morning. Walking back out I look for her only to run into Pluto.

“Have you seen Elora?” I ask him. He nods.

“Yeah in her room” He says pointing down the corridor. I turn on my heel going to her old room, pissed off. She knows this room isn’t fixed yet. Pushing the door open I was a little shocked to find it cleaned up, though there was a terrible draft, the wood not sealing completely closed against the stone walls. She looks up as I enter, she was next to the fireplace trying to get the kindle to catch a light with a lighter.

“You can’t stay in here you will freeze” I tell her stepping in.

“I will be fine, you can go” She says, and I could feel how pissed off she was with our mates for ditching her. Jealousy hitting me at her only ever wanting them near. I watch her struggle with the kindle, which was too wet to light with the lighter, I was nearly tempted to leave her with it just to force her out of this room.

“Just sleep in the room, I will sleep in the study” I tell her. She shakes her head stubbornly.

“Elora!” I call out to her and she looks up at me.

“Just leave I don’t want you in here” She snaps, and I growl low at her tone, her eyes snapping to me filled with worry. Just walk away, walk away. I tell myself when I want nothing more then to drag her out kicking and screaming to where I know she will be warmer and my son not freezing solid inside her overnight.

I turn about to leave when I stop turning around and walking over to her before bending down, I suck in a breath before blowing it out, the room heating instantly, and she jumps back as the logs catch alight. I then walk out leaving her like she wanted. Trying to remember she is pregnant and hormonal, and not realising how rude she just came off.

Walking off, I go make dinner slamming the pots and pans around a little too loudly in my anger while I try and find the frypan I like using. Pluto walking in to see what the commotion is.

“You right buddy” He asks, and I glare at him not meaning to. He puts his hands up.

“Hey just checking on you” He says.

“I’m fine Elora is just being difficult” I tell him and he steps into the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t take it personally I have seen her snap at Dragus a few times” He says which actually shocked me they always seem so cosy around each other.

“Well for me it is personal because the woman hates me”

“She will come around, Elora is forgiving” I nod not really believing him.

“Want some help?”

“If you want, where is your brother?” I ask him.

“In the city with his girlfriend”

“He has a girlfriend already?” I ask.

“Yeah, not a mate though just some bird he likes” Pluto tells me.

“What are we making?” Pluto asks.

“Hamburgers, you can butter the buns when they come out of the grill”

Pluto nods placing the buns in while I start frying onion and the patties.

Elora’s POV

Silas was right this room was freezing, I could tell he was angry with the way I spoke to him and I felt guilty for snapping at him. He came in and placed dinner on the table telling me to eat before walking out.

I didn’t even have a chance to thank him he left as soon as he came in. Laying in bed I froze. The draft was awful and made a horrid whistling noise as it came through the gaps. Getting up. I stoke the fire warming hands on it. The logs were nearly gone and it was starting to go out. Grabbing my dressing gown, I put my slippers on, going to get more. Walking outside, it was snowing. I hated the weather here, one minute it was fine the next it snowed never an in between. I can’t wait for summer at least then the days were longer and a little warmer though not much with the mountains surrounding the place blocking the sun most of the time, the nights were usually cold still.

Walking outside my feet froze instantly, painfully so as the snow went straight through the fabric. I could barely see in front of my face as I walked toward the stables in search of wood. Most of the logs were wet still from the storm and I needed to get back before the fire went completely out.

No such luck as I walk in and find it only glowing red as it smothered itself in the ash. I drop the logs in and wait seeing if anything catches alight. Thinking of asking Pluto, I walk out but could hear him snoring when I open the door. I pop my head in and catch him talking in his sleep making me chuckle. Nothing of what he said making sense.

Closing the door, I walk back to my room, the draft hitting me instantly making me shiver. I hesitate before walking upstairs to Silas to see if he would relight it for me, though with the way I spoke to him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he said no. Walking in, he was sitting in bed. Shock hitting me when I see him reading a baby book. He puts the book down looking over at me. The sight of him reading it worried me, like he was planning on taking my baby.

“What’s wrong?” He asks looking at me.

“The fire went out and the wood is wet” I tell him. He nods getting up off the bed.

“What are reading?” I ask already knowing.

“Some baby book I saw Matitus reading,” He answers looking down at me as he approaches, he doesn’t say anything else.

“You want me to light the fire or are you coming to sleep in here?” He asks when I just stand there like an idiot staring at him.

“Right” I tell him turning around to walk back downstairs.

“Where did your mind just go?” He asks making me stop and look back at him.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Nothing don’t worry about it” He says giving me a strange look.

Ninety Six 1

Ninety Six 2

Ninety Six 3


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