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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 97

Elora POV

Waking in the early morning, to terrible back pain, my lower back killing, my hips killing like they were out of place. As I roll trying to get comfortable the pressure becomes more intense to the point where even breathing deeply hurt, taking my breath away leaving me panting.

I sit up with a groan, Silas rolling before waking. His hand going to my lower back as he rubs it obviously feeling the pain I am in, through the bond. His thumbs digging into my lower back as he messages the area where the pain was radiating from.

I look out the window to only see darkness before looking at the clock it was only 4AM. I yawn before even that catches in my throat as pain ripples through my lower back.

“Maybe have a shower it might help with the discomfort” He says while still rubbing my back in circles. I nod my belly going hard as the pain intensifies and I watch my round belly tense, feel it under my hand.

“Labour?” asks Silas.

“No, it is in my back, probably Branxton hicks” I tell him though, this was more painful, but shouldn’t it be in the front not the back? I wondered, everything I read said it was like having terrible period pain, saying that I didn’t read many books some of it horrified me so mainly read the ones about after baby is born.

“I will send Dakari to go get them” Silas says but I wave him off, the pain suddenly leaving as quickly as it started.

“No, its fine, see it’s going now” I tell finally catching a breath as the pain subsides.

“Maybe I should just in case” He says.

“No because then they will have to leave again. They should be back tomorrow, I’m not due yet I still have a week” I tell him.

“You know you can go early?” He says and I nod.

“Yeah, but I am fine now” I tell him, and he sighs before leaning over and kissing my belly, I let him and he places his head on my knee mumbling something I can’t understand as he presses his lips against my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair which was getting longer making his eyes snap to me before he leans on one elbow looking back up at me.

“Sorry, I got carried away” He says his hand rubbing over my bump softly.

He then hops up walking into bathroom and I hear the shower turn on before he walks out holding his hand out to me. His naked body standing in front me with no care in the world that his junk is eye level with me.

I roll my eyes while smirks at my now blushing face being caught staring. “My eyes are up here love” He says a smirk on his face, taking his hand letting him haul me to my feet.

I hop in the shower, Silas hopping in behind me starting the other shower head, the warm helping the back pain that instantly started to return as I stood up. Silas adjusting his shower head so it hits my back as well.

“I think I should send for Matitus and Dragus” He says and I shake my head.

“No, I must have slept funny, it’s in my back not my front” I tell him.

“I read in that baby book there is a thing called back labour” He says and I raise an eyebrow at him.

“You better hope this kid is small, cause it gonna tear you from asshole to navel” He says.

“Was that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No, I was just telling you, I seen pictures that book is very detailed, you know some women shit during labour?”

“Oh my god stop Silas you’re not helping”

“What I am just saying”

“Well, I don’t want to know, and stop reading whatever that book is, you’re grossing me out” I tell him.

“You’re grossed out someone took a picture of a woman crowning, I thought she had a major bush turns out that was the head, and it had a lot of hair” He says with a chuckle making me laugh.

Ninety Seven 1


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