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Clubrooms Diary novel Chapter 7



May 8th 2018

I look into my rearview mirror and wipe my mascara stained face. I have fifteen minutes to kill before my shift starts. I sit back in my seat and watch as a tall man in a suit leaves the club. He walks to the big black SUV parked up, the driver gets out and opens the passenger backseat door for him, when his passenger slides in, he closes the door and hops back in the driver's side. The vehicle remains stationary for a moment or two before the engine roars to life and starts to move. 

Movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention, Caddies standing outside poking the fingers to the building's sign. 

I continue to watch her with a what-the-fuck-you-up-to-look on my face

She spins around and.


The black SUV hits her. 

I burst out laughing. I don't mean to but, shit... She was on a mission when she walked out that door and I don't think getting hit was part of the plan. 

"Caddie, Caddie, Caddie" I sigh.

Never a dull moment with you girl. I lean forward in my seat to get a better glimpse. The drivers by her side looking down at her scratching the back of his head, I don't think he wants to touch her or knows what to do. His passenger gets out of the car,  straightening his suit jacket as stands at his side. They must've felt eyes on them because their heads whip to their side and they look directly towards my car.

"Oh shit!" I shriek.

I duck, trying to get as low as I can under my steering wheel without getting seen. I feel like I'm in one of those mobster movies and I've witnessed something I shouldn't have. 

"Please, please. Don't let him be some big hot shot mobster." I plead to the gods.

I slowly look over the dashboard and the driver bends down, he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder like a barbaric. 

Real fucking charming.

He takes her inside the building with his passenger hot on his heels. I decide to haul my ass outta my car and make a run for it towards the back entrance of the club before they return. Any man that shows up with a fucking bodyguard is a man you don't need hot on your heels trying to vanquish you because you saw something you shouldn't have seen. Even if it was Caddies fucking fault and it wasn't intentional. 

I get to the back entrance, I comb my fingers through my hair, fix my clothes and wipe my hands over my face. I take a deep breath and open the door. I walk through the door and I see Mal yelling at the guy in the suit. 

"What do you mean she ran in front of the car?" 

He leans in and whispers something in her ear. She pulls back and looks him up and down with a frown on her face. She raises a finger towards his face and both his brows furrow, he reaches forward, wraps his hand around her wrist and pulls her close till she collides with his chest. He mumbles something in her ear again before he drags her into her room, clicking the door behind them.

Okay. I think to myself.

What the fuck was that about?

Maddie comes out of the changing room in her see-through lacey robe, with everything on full display. She's humming as if she's on cloud nine. I hate the bitch with a passion. She made my life a living hell when I first started, she has lightened up a bit now, but all her bitchiness has been targeted towards Mal, giving me a break.

I still can't stand the cow. 

Lisa walks up the hallway, her heels harshly clicking against the wooden floorboards, her complexion white as ever. When she gets close to me she cries out saying.

"That man will be the death of me Layla I swear." Her eyes water and she barges through the changing room door. 

Chad must've had his tongue down her throat again. Poor Lisa doesn't have a clue the man wants her underneath him so badly. He's so blinded by his desire for her he hasn't realised Lisa bats for the other team. I've warned her on multiple occasions to tell him, but she refuses to and that's her problem. I turn and walk into the changing room and get ready. 

I dim the room of its bright light.

"Hi, my name's LAYLA." I close my eyes and bow, kneeling. "I am here for your pleasure."

"Hello, Layla." He sneers.

I open my eyes and I know who exactly it is that stands before me. 

"Jimmy," I say emotionless. "What are you doing here?" 

"I've come in honour of my dead brother to give you something." He says as he unbuckles his belt and drops his pants. 

"You can't be serious." 

"Oh, I'm as serious as a fucking heart attack princess." He stands before me with a full-on erection. 

"Open that pretty little mouth and show me what it's made for." He roughly grips a handful of my hair and forcefully thrusts himself into my mouth. 

I place both my hands on his thighs and push him. He stumbles back. I get to my feet and look him dead in the eye. 

"This is wrong, you shouldn't be here." 


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