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Cold CEO Pampering Wife Diary novel Chapter 6

"Why do you want me to live here? Do you really want me to be your mistress?" Yvonne fixed her eyes on Cary, expecting his answer to be "no".

"If you like the name of mistress, it's okay, and you can consider it as what you think. After all, we have slept together, and what else can't you give me? You are not the girl of chastity any longer." Cary looked at Yvonne and said, "I can give you everything now, and I can also let you lose everything. You can make the choice by yourself.""

What Cary said was just like a knife, stabbing on Yvonne's heart. She was indeed a plaything of him. When he got bored with her, she would be abandoned. But what could she do? It was already very hard for her mother to afford her to go to school. If she was expelled from school, her future would really be ruined.

Trying to hold back her tears, she clenched the sheet and turned her face away. She didn't want to see this hateful man any more and said word by word, "Okay, I promise you."

Hearing Yvonne said reluctantly, Cary also felt angry. No woman would refuse to be his lover. As an insignificant girl, how could she look down upon him?

Cary stepped forward and grabbed the girl's chin, forcing her to look at him. "Look at me! I want you to look at me and say it again! "

Trying to get rid of Cary's strong hands, Yvonne found that it was all in vain. Being grabbed tightly by him, she didn't groan in pain. Instead, she looked up at Cary, with her mouth closed stubbornly, without saying a word.

Cary looked at the woman who was too skinny and didn't know what she ought to do. The red mark on her fair face was pinched by him. Although bore the pain, she didn't groan. Her eyes looked as if she had hidden a whole lake and sank into the gentle and quiet lake. At last, he was softhearted and let go of her, saying, "have a good rest. I won't come to trouble you tonight. "He gave her a cold look and left the room.

Watching Cary's leaving with the door slammed, she couldn't help but burst into tears. Did she have to do this to get her future? This is not what I want. What I want is only a simple life. Looking at this magnificent and strange room, she asked, "Is this a senior cage?" How ridiculous!

"Thomson, get the car ready. I'm going out." Cary went downstairs angrily since Yvonne didn't get along well with him. He shouted at Thomson, "That woman is upstairs. Don't let her leave here."

He looked into the direction where Yvonne's room was. He took off his coat and walked towards the door. He had planned to take her to the party, but now he'd better leave her there to think over what she had done! He would come to get even with her when he came back!

Thomson ordered the driver to prepare the car. He had never seen such a woman like this one who could make Cary so irritable. He remembered that Cary had rarely gone back to his house with any woman before. Now he not only brought back a woman, but also let him take care of her. Have him changed? It would be great if Cary, who had always been cold and aloof, really changed his personality.

During the banquet, Cary was still thinking about the woman left at home by himself. This was a business party, and all the renowned figures came here from the business field. Although his own company was the leader of the whole industry, he still maintained interests in contracting others in the business field and it was also easier to make a deal in the reception.

Although he wanted to go back home to see that woman, he still had to do his job well first. It was just a woman, but he couldn't make any mistake just because of a woman's appearance.

"Woo, isn't this Mr. Cary? It's been a long time since the last time I saw you. "A man in his forties stood in front of Cary with a glass of wine in his hand." Why are you drinking alone here? Are you considering something more important than this event? "

Cary soon recovered to look at him, and found he was that cunning man. He had set a trap for Cary in last trade which worth more than ten million. He hadn't retaliated yet! Cary smiled and embraced him with a pretended friendly-looking, swirling the wine glass gently, without the slightest intention to stand up. "Oh, it's you, Mr. James. I've been wondering why a pungent smell of alcohol is coming from far away. And I'm afraid that someone will come to set trap for me again. I have to figure out a way to get away from it, so that I won't be able to be hurt again!" Cary was talking about this old cunning man, trying to get him away from himself.


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