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Contract Marriage: My Sweet Bossy Wife novel Chapter 8

Lorenzo raised his brows and turned to Jessica, waiting for her to give an explanation.

"That’s what she thought. What can I say?" Jessica shrugged nonchalantly.

So this man really was the high-end gigolo Jessica kept secretly?

Bianca could hardly believed the truth.

"I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, sir. This is the whole set of dessert you ordered. Here you are."

The shop manager handed the well-packaged gift box reverently to the man before him with both hands.

"Yeah, everything’s here. Let’s go."

Lorenzo took the gift box and walked towards the door with Jessica in his arm.

"You don’t have to bow to me when you see me next time," Jessica sneered as she cast a faint look at the sullen Bianca.

"Well, not bad. Who doesn’t like such a handsome man? She does, and we do too." Seeing Bianca getting livid, Matilda comforted her at once.

'He’s just a high-end gigolo,' Bianca kept telling herself. However, anger welled up inside her as she thought of the scene where she was ignored by him and fell awkwardly in front of him after she gave a broad hint that she was interested in him.

Everything had a price, and so did every gigolo. As long as she paid him enough money, she could own him too!

Bianca’s mood lightened as she thought of it.

"Pack the dessert up and deliver it to the address on my account!"

Bianca gave a straight look to the shop manager arrogantly.

"You membership is canceled today, and your balance will be transferred to your bank account. Please don’t show up in my shop again," the shop manager sneered after he threw a contemptuous look at Bianca.

"I dare you to say that again!"

Bianca was stunned to hear that, but the next moment, she yelled and pointed at the shop manager.

"I can say it to you however times you want. You’re not welcomed here! I’ll call security if you don’t go!" the shop manager said firmly.

"I’m the young lady of the Armstrong family!"

Bianca flared up and smashed the coffee cup on the table to the floor.

"I don’t care if you’re the young lady or the old lady. You have no idea whom you just offended! Who do you think you are to yell at me! Get her out of here!"

"Take this."

Lorenzo stopped his car on the parking lot of his private estate smoothly and handed Jessica an exquisite envelope sealed with a signet.

An envelope?

"I don’t need it."

Jessica assumed it was a bank card, so she refused him at once.

"You can’t afford a high-end gigolo like me, but I can support you, Mrs. Fletcher."

Lorenzo’s lips curved into a smile, his eyes sparkling.

Mrs. Fletcher…

Jessica’s heart began to race as she heard Lorenzo calling her "Mrs. Fletcher" in a sonorous voice.

Blushing, she opened the door and jumped off the car in a hurry.

Most of the time, women were believed to be seductive, but Lorenzo was even more seductive than women!

In fact, the envelope was slipped into Jessica’s purse by Lorenzo secretly before she got off the car.

In the living room of the manor…

"You’re back, Jessica. Is everything OK?" Granny Mrs. Fletcher greeted Jessica amiably at the sight of her.

"Rest assured, Granny Mrs. Fletcher. Everything’s perfect. I’ve bought some dessert today. Please have a taste." Jessica gave a smile and looked at Granny Mrs. Fletcher.

"Dessert? Great! I’ve always loved dessert!"

Granny Mrs. Fletcher couldn’t wait to have some dessert.

"You can’t eat a lot of sugar. One spoonful is enough."

Lorenzo walked up to the study as he loosened his tie.


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