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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 308


308 Accepting her mother (2

Thank you for your understanding child, Pink placed the other palm to cover Jeslyn’s hand.

Jeslyn smiled with her lips sealed. She hasn’t fully accepted Pink yet but Pink is hurting as much as her, so she didn’t want to add to her heartache

I’m a mother too, I won’t be able to bear it if Valen hates me,” Jeslyn explained

Pink smiled sadly and nodded. She knew that accepting her would take more than just an emotional cry and bonding

An awkward silence filled the room for a while before Jeslyn clicked her tongue and exclaimed softly, Ah, Mr. Wales told me I had a twin brother whom he gave out, do you know about it?Jeslyn diverted the topic. The awkward moment was getting uncomfortable and she needed to change the atmosphere

Pink froze when she heard that. Tw- twin? Twin brother? W- wh- what are you talking about?!

Ah, it seems your spy didn’t tell you that Mr. Wales said you gave birth to twins. He killedme and took away my twin brother-” 

To where?!Pink panicked and grabbed Jeslyn’s arm. Wh- where did he take your twin brother?!Her tears that had dried off a while ago started gathering in her eyes again

Jeslyn stared at Pink for holding her arm tightly. She took a deep breath and said, our relationship is still awkward. Do you want my husband and child to be mad at you for bruising my arm?

Pink realized what she had done and immediately let Jeslyn go, So- sorry, it wasn’t intentional.she hurriedly apologized

I understand.Jeslyn rubbed her palm before she started to explain. Mr. Wales didn’t know the woman but from the story he narrated to me, the woman is an epitome of shrewdness. She had men that went everywhere with machine gu-” 

Machine guns!?Pink instantly completed the words in a loud voice with a mixture of fear and disbelief

Jeslyn looked surprised at Pink’s reaction but she slowly nodded to confirm Pink’s words

Nancy!She gritted her teeth as she spelt the name in anger. She slapped the table and slowly balled her hand in a tight fist. Pink must have forgotten that Jeslyn was right beside her because at this moment, Pink’s mind seemed to have traveled far at the mention of that name.” 

From your reaction, it seems you know her really well

Pink snapped back to reality and slowly nodded

Then, my brother can be found. I’m relieved. Jeslyn said but Pink shook her head

It’s not as easy as you think“. 

Why?Jeslyn asked

Nancy is the devil’s incarnate. To get your brother back from her, it would be impossible, unlessPink paused

She dies?Jeslyn asked

Pink looked at her before she smiled. What are you planning?” 

She’s not an immortal. If she won’t return my brother, then she dies. Isn’t that simple?” 

HahahahaPink laughed out loud. If it’s that easy to kill her, do you think I would have let her live to this day? I would have killed her 27 years ago“. 

Oh? Tell me what she is

Pink filled her glass of wine and laid her back on the couch

Nancyshe’s the genius daughter of Mr. Chengdu, head of one of the hidden families in the world. She didn’t go to school but is extreinely intelligent that she holds the world’s record for the highest IQ in the world-” 

Jeslyn gasped. I’ve heard of that person!” 

Pink nodded, Yes, it’s her. Her information is well hidden even your husband who is one of the best hackers in the Country couldn’t manage to break into her hidden information after trying for three years

Nancy’s family is the mastermind behind the idea of the Dark- Age organization and that made her so powerful that no one dares to make her an enemy

She kills without blinking and her heart is unfathomable. No one has been able to link her family members to her, except her stepsister who married the President

Even though Country M has an acting president, Nancy is the true President. Whatever she goes. But no one, including her sister and the President, knows that

Why?Jeslyn frowned


The President and the higherups thinks that Nancy is submissive to her husband but it’s only


Oh, then she’s a hard nut to crack, but I’m sure if my twin wants to return, Nancy or whatever won’t object, Jeslyn thought out loud

Pink shook her head, She would. She replied while lost in thought

Meanwhile, the news of Mr. Wales’s death has gotten to Country M but instead of feeling sad like every child would do after their parent’s death, Emilee and Christine didn’t feel an iota of sorrow

Presently, they were dining together at a restaurant

These days, the internet seems to not be in your favour, lay low and don’t agitate Jeslyn. I’m preparing something for her

Christine nodded


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