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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 390

390 The Irony 

Brian turned, only to see many thugs approaching them with different dangerous objects for fighting. F*ck,” he mumbled and looked at Pink, then shrugged his shoulders. If we can’t run, we negotiate. If it fails, we fightDo you know how to defend yourself?Brian didn’t know why he was so nice to this lady.

He was angry when he left home, but now, he found solace around this stranger.

I do know how to throw a punch and a kick, but I doubt it’d do any harm,hearing that, Brian laughed out loud. His laugh was contagious, so Pink joined him in the laughter

That was what the thugs met when they got closer. The leader who was in front thundered with an intimidating tone. This is my territory, put down whatever you have on you and leave!” 

We were just passing by. We didn’t intend to sleep over,Brian tried to reason

It doesn’t matter, fine boy! Leave your bikes, phones, money, jewelry, clothes, and shoes!” 

I’m sorry, what?!Brian frowned. He had run into a few thugs in the past and they never demanded his clothes and shoes. How dare these guys?! 

Are you deaf?!another thug yelled

And if we refuse?Pink asked

Then don’t blame us!” 

Another member said and launched an attack at Brian with a punch, but before he could hit his target, Pink moved like lightning and stood in front of Brian and deflated the blow with a solid kick to his chest. The guy flew away like a broken kite and hit his back on the tree a few meters away, then vomited blood and passed out

Everyone was shocked momentarily before they all let out a battle cry and charged at Brian and Pink. The people didn’t even give Brian the time to digest what just happened before they attacked

The two engaged in a tough battle with the thugs, who were not relenting even though their backs. had hit the ground numerous times. It was not until some of them couldn’t get off the floor anymore did they understand that they made a mistake by courting death

Please let us go, we promise never to show ourselves in front of you anymore!the leader begged with a swollen face

What faction do you belong to?Brian asked

The leader immediately replied proudly, Sword!He sounded so prideful that one would think he wanted Brian to fall on his knees in fear, but instead, it was him and his men who ran away in horror

Great, from now on, the territory belongs to THE SIN!Brian proclaimed

TThe SS-?!It felt like a bucket of cold water was heaved on him. The leader choked. He wasn’t able to finish the words as fear gripped his chest. The other men couldn’t move, their legs turned jelly and someone even fainted

The leader thought Brian and Pink were clueless about the area. Although the guy looked like Brian

the Celebrity, they believed that this one standing in front of them was just another person who looks like him. What Celebrity would walk around at night without guards

They were a small group of thugs who only scared people just to steal from them anyway. How would they know when a Mount Tai who wasn’t introduced to the world was standing in front of them

W- we are sorry for” 

I’m not interested in your apology, leave now before I change my mind.” 

Like an amnesty descended, the thugs helped each other and limped away

This City is called SIN City because THE SINmonopolized it

Country M has a few Cities conquered by some great figures. Unlike Maverick, Damien and Davis, who are known all over the Country but have taken over the Capital, only The Sindominates the secondlargest city in the CountrySo the city was changed from its original name to SIN CITY

Obviously, people would be scared when the forbidden name (the sin) is mentioned, one of the reasons is their savagery, which is why the goons felt their souls had left them when they heard the 


Lying with their backs on the grass beside the road while looking at the night sky, Brian asked

When did you learn to fight so well?” 

In my teens,Pink answered

I can imagine how you made your bullies suffer.” 

Pink chuckled, Surviving in this Country without proper backing would make one desperate to be powerful.” 

Silence washed over the two for a moment before Brian inquired again

What about your family?” 

All dead except my children.” 

You have kids? Wowyou didn’t strike me like one who’d be willing to get married.” 

She turned her head to look at Brian as emotions flickered past her eyes for a moment before she returned her gaze to the sky

I didn’t get married. Yes, I have kids, but I just discovered that I gave birth to twins and the other child was stolen at birth by some powerful family.” 

ThatI’m so sorry,Brian felt remorseful, thinking he hit a soft spot

No, it’s ok” 

The two stayed silent for a short span before Brian raised a question again, Will you leave the stolen child to the powerful family?” 


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