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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 431

431 Teasing Nancy 

At Delight Hotels

Jeslyn, her brother, and Rex could be seen at the lounge, discussing

So, in other words, your good father put my dear Pink under house arrest?” 

From the story your brother just told, it seems so,” Rex nodded slowly

Interestingso that leaves us with the option of using violence,Jeslyn said

Ehm, Jeslyn, what if-” 

Another conditional statement from you and I’ll forget we are related!She didn’t let him finish before she yelled

Brian shut up and didn’t speak further. She had every right to be angry. He was more than confused as to why his father is doing all of this. But even so, he believes there might be a misunderstanding somewhere

Using Violence, you mean, taking her by force?Rex inquired further


But our men aren’t in this City and to get them in, we’ll need some more days, but Ms. Nancy asked us to leave the City within three days and today is the third day.” 

Why would we need other men when we have a debtor?Jeslyn asked with a sly smile. She got up and added, I’ll send you in less than an hour!” 

Yo! She just lost one of her righthand men. I bet she’s still mourning. Shouldn’t you give her some space to breathe?” 

She didn’t give my late mom time to mourn my late Cousin as well. Nor did Pink get a moment of peace when she was discovered. Why should I give her a moment of rest?” 

JeslynRex sighed. You are starting to become like your husband.” 

She curled her lips and replied, Because I’m his wife. Does that count?” 

Rex chuckled, You aren’t going to leave Nancy alone if you don’t milk her dry, would you?” 

Bravo! She owes me a lot.Jeslyn winked and started walking towards the door

By the time my brother returns, he’d be shocked to realize that his cute wife is no longer cute but a mastermind. Hahaha” 

She glanced one last time at Brian who was looking at her and warned; If my plan for your father is known, I won’t forgive you.She turned and left the hotel but with Code 5

When Jeslyn returned to the Hwang residence, she met Nancy sitting at the bar situated in a corner of the large living room. She was wearing a white dress without makeup. She looked plain and sick. Death’s death must have hit her pretty hard, Jeslyn thought

Madam Nancy, hello!she waved as she made her way towards the lonely woman

Are you here to make fun of me?” 

I still have a conscience. But I’m definitely not here to cry.” 

Nancy ignored that and asked, Care for some?” 

Jeslyn shook her head, I don’t drink alcohol

Nancy glanced at her, then looked behind them and saw Code 5 standing a couple of steps away

You brought someone, thinking I’d blame you for his death?the woman snorted and looked away

Wrong. He came with me because the hotel bores him.” 

Haha!Nancy chuckled without humor in her tone. What a lame excuse,she rolled her eyes

Silence filled the room for a moment before her voice sounded again. You should be leaving the city today, so why are you here?” 

I came to know how you’re faring” 

Nancy looked at her again, she wished it was true, butWe both know you’re lying. If it’s about the followup of Ani’s case, worry not. The Halfheart has no intention of seeking war with me.” 

That’s not the case, but since we are talking about them, I might as well feed my curiosity,” she smiled when the woman glanced at her again. Why are they scared of you? Since you know so much about them, making you their greatest weakness, why didn’t they just take you out of the picture?I get that they might have failed with assassination attempts, but with the witches surrounding them, can’t they kill you with black magic?” 

Jeslyn, are you so eager to see me dead?the woman raised a brow

Certainly not! Hehe,she chuckled. For some reason, she finds it fun to tease this woman. At the same time, she likes her whenever they sit to talk

I’m afraid it’s too obvious for you to hide. But sorry to disappoint you, I won’t die unless my enemy does.” She was about to drink from her glass again when Jeslyn grabbed the cup from her and drank the little wine in it

Blargh!she retched with disgust on her face. Not tasty at all, you shouldn’t be drinking this.She searched the wine bar with her gaze but couldn’t find what she was looking for

Who is there? Get me some juice!Nancy ordered

Soon, the butler brought over a jar of fruit juice and a glass cup, Nancy took them from the man and poured out two cup, then pushed one to Jeslyn


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