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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 436

436 A bitch till the end

Brian stared dazedly at the image on the screen without knowing how much time had passed. His brain refused to get out of the trauma he was in. The young man looked to his right and then left. Now he understood why he had the best room with the best interiors in the house. He used to think that Nancy made his room this way to cage him, but now, he started to imagine how excited she was when this room was being designed.

Brian stood up and rushed to Nancy’s room, hoping she might still be there. The number of times he had come here could be counted with one handthey were when he had grown to this age. Most of the time, the door would be locked. But this time, his trembling hand was able to open the door without effort

Entering the room, it has no life at all. The white walls and white furniture reminds him of a VIP ward in a hospital. His dazed eyes roamed the room for a moment before he trudged to her bed and slowly raised the screen

Just like Nancy, her bed looked cold and lonely. A teardrop slipped down his eye and he slumped on the neatly arranged bed, but his nose couldn’t take a whiff of her scent, which meant she didn’t sleep on the bed for some days

Had she been sitting all night? Orhe suddenly remembered that Jeslyn had told him she saw Nancy at the garden in the middle of the night. Does that not imply that she had been roaming the house, unable to sleep for days? No wonder she was growing paler and paler

What had she been thinking? Why was she punishing herself?! 

Brian’s mind snapped. He heard that one of Nancy’s righthand men was killed but he never thought to see how she was doing, yet they lived under the same roof. Yesterday, she didn’t come out to eat. He should have known that something was wrong when she also didn’t come out today for breakfast, a tradition they never broke, unless they aren’t home

Brian’s hold on the white sheets tightened with every realization that crossed his mind. Veins popped on his arms and forehead. The young man was dying of guilt. He mustered strength and got up to his feet and moved to her closet

It was filled with clothes but when he looked closely, two were missing- her favorite dresses. They weren’t her most expensive or her best, yet she had worn them more than she had worn others

Unbeknownst to Brian, they became her favorite dresses because she bought them from his brand. While going through her stuff, he came across some documents. When he opened them, they were medical reports on her health. From minor to severe

Argh!!Mum, how could you do this to me!!!?” 


young man screamed and broke down in tears. How could this be? How could he not know all of these? Why did he ignore her? Why was he not there for her? Why did he not attempt to be a good son even though she wasn’t treating him right

Although it was never Brian’s fault, the guy still blamed himself because he never tried to understand her or tried to be a good son. Whenever she did wrong, he’d criticize her without a second thought

While Brian was wallowing in sorrow, Jeslyn was on her way to the Capital. Although she won the battle against Nancy, she felt she rather lostincluding her emotions and tears, because there was never a battle in the first place. It was a misunderstanding

Thinking back to what happened after she rescued Pink, tears gushed out of Jeslyn’s eyes again. That woman is a f*cking devil

After Jeslyn rescued Pink, she went back to the Hwang Residence to hand over the token, but before she could enter the Residence, a person who introduced himself as Lawyer Zee, took her into his car, where he read Nancy’s Will to her

Before Madam Nancy left the City and went into seclusion, she left this video recording for you.The lawyer played the video on his laptop and passed it to Jeslyn

Dear Jeslyn, you must have won the battle and rescued your mother. I’mpleased if that’s the case. Chatting with you all these while, I realized my mistake and discovered that hanging around Hwang and waiting for the perfect time to seek revenge, is not the best solution. I might even die before he 


I had thought about passing down my empire to Brian but he’s not fit to take control. Your brother doesn’t care about power. All he wants is a simple life where he’s allowed to do what he loves and stay with whom he cherishes

I lied about the token. It’s not to summon a hundred, but ten thousand SINNERS. There are two 

thousand Navy, two thousand airforce two thousand Marine and four thousand Armies

One of the SINNERS will come to tell you where the Coca farm is located. It is approximately 15 million acres of land with deadly beasts surrounding the farm


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