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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 451

451 Trouble at the party (5

While the Xu men were standing there and not knowing how to react, the First Lady’s guard had gotten up and ran to their Boss. One of the guards had already carried her in his arms, ready to leave for the hospital, but the Xu men wouldn’t allow them.1 

One of them was sent home to inform Davis, so they were waiting to hear what Davis would say

Angered by the Xu men’s audacity, the First Lady’s guards started fighting the Xu men and other guards that were stationed around the hall also got involved, further creating a bigger mess and disorganization in the hall

This was the opportunity Code 5 was waiting for. Once he got the chance, he asked help from a young man to untie the rope

Once Code 5 was freed, he punched the two nearest Xu men, robbing them of their guns and killing them

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” 

The hall froze when the sound of gunshots was repeatedly heard. They’ve been fighting with fists since they probably forgot the use of guns, or they were trying to minimize the killing of innocent people

Whatever their reasons were, Code 5 broke that as the sound of his gunshot travelled everywhere

With him leading the way, the Xu men also started shooting, killing whoever got in the way of their flying bullets. They didn’t care about who was dying

Meanwhile, Maverick heard the gunshots from outside the door. He was still following the waiter to get water

The minute they entered a store room, Maverick pulled out his phone and sent a text

Come up to the top floor

Just after he sent the message, Yellow and Blue burst into the corridor. Without a second wasted, the girls opened fire, killing every living soul along the passageway

The girls were not hiding, they spread out, as many as the passageway could allow. They were like zombies, deaf and blind to any threat in their way. In less than five minutes, more than thirty Xumen were gunned down

Inside the storeroom, Maverick looked at the waiter who was shivering and asked, Where is Davis?” 

He- he’s inside-” 

Since you know where he is, take me there.” 

The waiter swallowed nervously. His forehead was already friends with his beads of sweat

He carried the tray of drink and left the store room with Maverick quietly following behind him. Along the way, they maneuvered their way around dead bodies that were sprawling on the floor. Looking ahead, the large door had been opened and gunshot sounds could still be heard coming from the banquet hall

Maverick was no longer concerned with what goes on in the hall, trusting that his people would keep his sisters and themselves safe

Following the waiter, they took a left turn and arrived at another corridor. This area was quiet and soundproof. It is the VVIP area of the hotel, only the executive and the owner of the hotel comes 


Who owns this hotel?Maverick asked

I- I’m not sure, sir!The waiter answered fearfully

The deeper they went into the corridor, the quieter it was. They took another left turn by the end of the corridor and came to a door that was being guarded by the strongest Xu men

Maverick knew these guys to be the strongest because they only go around with Davis. If he were to rank the ten of them in his faction, they would be on the same level as Code 1- Code 10

It would be hard to bypass these guysfighting them headon would be a big mistake on his path, but if there’s a distraction, he has a fiftyfifty chance of winning

Hey! Stop there!” 

One of the guards stopped them. The waiter stopped, but Maverick started moving backwards, making himself look suspicious

What are youstop right there!!The guard and the others pulled out their guns and pointed them in Maverick’s direction

Maverick stopped and raised his hands and supported the back of his head with them

Fortunately, the moment Maverick spotted the ten guards, he didn’t walk too far from the corner, so by the time he was stopped with guns, he was already a few inches away from taking a turn

Who are you? Take off your cap!” 

Maverick didn’t argue and took off his cap. However, before they could see his face, he threw the cap 

and ran into the corner

Bang! Bang” 

The throwing of the cap, running away and the shooting was just one second apart

Maverick tried unlocking the doors along the passageway but all were locked. Frustrated, he was about to shoot one of the doors when he spotted a guard who had run out of the corner with his 



Before the guard could pull the trigger, Maverick went first


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