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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 455

455 Escape from the middle of nowhere 

Jeslyn’s eyelids fluttered and she slowly opened her eyes. From her blurry vision, she could see she was in a bedroom. She sat up and rested her back on the headboard. With her little movement, the duvet slid off her chest, revealing her beautiful pale skin

Her eyes shot wide and she immediately pulled off the duvet. What greeted her was her nakedness

At first, she didn’t make sense of what was happening until she saw her reflection in the dressing mirror adjacent to her bed


Her scream travelled out of the house, sending the birds perching on the trees around the house into a frenzy

A smile crept onto Reuben’s lips when he heard the cry. She’s finally awake.He got up and left for her room

Jeslyn was dazedly looking at her naked body in the mirror when she heard a faint knock at the door. She snapped back to reality and hurriedly pulled the cover around herself, waiting to see who would 

come in

The door cracked open, revealing a smiling Reuben with a tray of piping hot coffee

You’re finally awake after three days. You scared me, love,he smiled

Yyou?! What are you-At that moment, the incident at the restroom flooded her mind

Jeslyn gasped as she stared at him in a daze, trying to convince herself that the hickeys on her body weren’t from him

He started walking towards the bed, while she was there, staring at him without moving her gaze 


You must be tired, I brought you coffeeexactly how you like it.” He placed the coffee beside the lampstand and sat on the edge of the bed

Tch, why are you wrapped so tightly? Are you shy? But you weren’t last night.He chuckled

At that moment, Jeslyn’s hand shook and her heart turned cold. Without thinking, she lurched forward, grabbed the mug and threw the piping hot coffee at his face

Reuben was quick to dodge. But as if it was within Jeslyn’s calculation, she moved again but this time, Reuben wasn’t expecting it. He couldn’t move out of the way in time to avoid the fierce blow


Blood trailed down his temple from the hit he got from the mug. Seeing she was going for another hit, Reuben grabbed her, threw her onto the bed and pinned her down

Jeslyn refused to cave in. She had lost her mind at the idea that another man who wasn’t her husband, took advantage of her

As she thrashed on the bed beneath him, Reuben yelled


Jeslyn glared furiously at him. She was panting from the resistance she put up

Seeing she had calmed down, he continued, Maverick is dead! I’m your husband now, with the permission from your father! You better- 

HeheHahahaha-!Like a maniac, Jeslyn burst into a fit of laughter without humour

My husband will come for you both and he’d kill you like the scum you are! Hahahaha!She continued laughing until he left her alone and went to tend to the injury on his temple. The blood had rushed into his eye and blurred his vision

After he shut the door, Jeslyn’s laugh stopped and tears ran down her eyes. She refused to believe anything he said. Her husband is alive and she was not reped

Even though she was trying to convince herself that was what truly happened, the hickeys on her skin, plus the wetness between her legs proved otherwise

Plum, I’m sorry?she mumbled and slowly sat up. But then, realization hit her

No! She cannot stay here like a weakling! She must escape from here and look for her husband. Plum cannot be dead! It’s impossible

She got down from the bed and hurried to the closet. Opening it, there were clothes of all types, in her size, hung in it

Her gaze traveled around the room and stopped at the door. Jeslyn shook the thought off her mind. If she must escape, going through the door would be a bad idea

Then her gaze stopped at the curtains and a deranged smile crept onto her lips. She hurried into the bathroom, washed herself in less than five minutes, and ran back out. She picked out black trousers, a tank top and wore black boots

Jeslyn looked around the room for a harmful object but none was in sight. She locked the door from the inside, grabbed one of the stilettos from the shoe racks and slammed the heel against the mirror




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