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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 483

483 The battle (2

For the next few days, the people of Country M felt a storm brewing. While the electoral college was conducting an election within the council to pick a new President, Hwang Min was waging war against Maverick.

It’s been three days since the exprésident was arrested and sentenced, yet Hwang Min hasn’t left the Capital. He tried leaving but Maverick’s men were everywhere

He couldn’t stay at the Presidential Villa anymore, so he found a hotel to stay in

While at the hotel, he was communicating with his people who immediately gathered all of Hwang Min’s men and headed for the Capital

Almost twenty thousand of them flooded the Capital. Although the men settled at the outskirts of the Capital, a few of them entered the City to rescue their Master and cause some losses to Maverick

They destroyed a few of Maverick’s establishments as an official declaration of war

Hwang Min, who had been rescued was asked to return to SIN city, but the man refused, saying

I want to watch how you bring Maverick to his knees!He curled his lips into a smirk

The socalled PEACE got a message that Hwang Min had declared an allout war against Maverick, but they turned a blind eye and didn’t get involved. Within, they wanted to see Hwang Min and 

Maverick’s downfall

Didn’t they say they wanted to reform the Country? Well, to do that, those who caused the Country to be a nightmare have to die before the Country sees happy days.

The fight between Maverick and Hwang Min would be happening outside the city to prevent innocent people from dying. After all, it would be a fight between twenty thousand and twelve thousand

The fight between the Lu family and Xu family caused them some damage, so Maverick had eight thousand active fighters, while Damien gave him four thousand active fighters

At first, Maverick thought he’d be fighting ten thousand men but after he lost the battle for two consecutive days, he finally called a meeting to understand the situation

Three black cars drove under the canopy of the night, heading out of the Capital. The cars stopped at a standalone building. Even the Presidential Villa has no security protocol as strong as the one here

For about an hour, the cars were going through thorough checks at different checkpoints until they finally made it through the gates and arrived at the white house

The middle car was opened by Code 5 and Jeslyn got down, wearing a black outfit. All the guards around them bowed in greetings. With Code 5 and Yellow leading the way, they headed to the entrance of the house

Stepping into the sitting room, Jeslyn felt a shiver run down her body. This place gave her a feeling of death. No warmth, no life, no nothing

The sitting room had either black or brown designs all through. So creepy

Ma’am, this way, please!A lady in black trousers and a black top said with a stoic face after bowing to Jeslyn and Yellow

Jeslyn gave a faint nod before following behind her while the others hung around the sitting room

Jeslyn wasn’t bothered by the lady’s coldness because almost all of Maverick’s people, both men and women, had a bitch face, including Pink and Yellow

And they all look ruthless and unforgiving

Standing by the door, she saw a red light coming from the doorknob and spoke

He’s holding a meeting.” 

Jeslyn looked at her, then asked, Did you see him eat anything since?” 

The Master doesn’t eat in the presence of his subordinates,she answered

In other words, you’re not sure if he ate anything” 

Yes, ma’am.” 

Lead me to the kitchen,Jeslyn instructed

Yes, Ma’am.The lady turned and started heading to the sitting room

About thirty minutes later, Jeslyn returned with a tray of piping hot chicken soup and a bowl of rice

Knock on the door,she instructed the lady

Her face changed and she took a step back, then bowed slightly, I’m sorry, Ma’am. Master hates it.” 

Tch. Just do it.Seeing she was hesitant, Jeslyn added. It’s an order.” 

Yes, Ma’am!” 

The lady stepped forward, took a deep breath and knocked on the door once

She waited for about a minute before she knocked again

Seeing she was knocking like one who was afraid of the door, Jeslyn handed her the tray and started banging on the door

Meanwhile, inside the room, Maverick could be seen among about ten men, including Rex, Fin, and 


Only my sisterinlaw would knock like that,” Rex chuckled. (

Maverick narrowed his eyes at the three who were sitting together at a corner

You called her here?” he asked

Don’t accuse me, I’m innocent.Inspector Fin immediately said

Me too!Rex added

Good she came. Saved me the stress of treating a stubborn patient,” Matt rolled his eyes

Bang! Bang! Bang!” 


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