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Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom novel Chapter 489

489 New Dawn with Kaylus 

Maverick chuckled and decided he’d take her seriously before she gets really mad because these days, one no longer knows when her mood swings come. Hm, who do you want to steal from this time?

Ah, ah, don’t say it like that. You make me feel like I’m a thief or something” 

Oh? Then who do you want to rob?” 


HahahaFine, what do you want my expert skills for?” 

Now you’re sounding like my husband. HeheYou see, I forgot some money in the former First Lady’s account. I want you to retrieve it for me.” She beamed like a child

Maverick turned her over so they could both sleep side by side. Her weight was killing him. With his elbow on the bed and his palm supporting his head, he asked; really? How much?” 

Eh, I can’t remember. You know, when I left the money in her account, it was still little. Then the money started to grow. I can’t tell exactly how much it is, but I know it’s in tens of billions.She wrapped her hands around his waist as she sniffed his sweet perfume

Incredible. Mrs. Lu, should I start to be scared that my money is no longer safe?” 

Ehhh, my darling, Mr. Lu, don’t be like that. I heard that when you marry a sugar daddy, all his money becomes yours.” 

I’m a sugar daddy?he raised a brow

Doc Matt said I can’t be allowed to repeat words,” she chuckled

Well, is that so?” 

She nodded


HahahahaPlumhahahastop, sorry, sorryhahahahastop tickling me, Kaylus is angry!” 

What?Maverick stopped tickling her and asked in fascination

Yeah, Valen named her Kaylus.” 

Does he know it means troublemaker?

He does. In fact, he brought me a list of horrible names and we decided on Kaylus. It’s less evil and 

sounds cute.”

And she won’t start a fight if she grows up to know the meaning of her name?Maverick asked with wonder

Of course, we aren’t going to name her that for real. Piper picked out some cute names, so I thought I’d share that with you tonight.

Help me take that,she pointed at a card that was beside the lampstand

Maverick stretched his hand and gave her the card. Looking through it, she started to call out the 


Ariel, Monica, PhoebeNo, I don’t like that name. It’d remind me of that bitch.” 

Monica might start to call her brother bitch as her first wordMaverick was politely telling her to not use such words anymoreEspecially now that the little one could hear

Like she didn’t hear the warning, she yelled excitedly, Yaay, that was my choice too! Monica is a cute name. Here, it means….She looked at the meaning of the name on the card and continued. It has lots of meaning but I’ll just stick with unique.This way, it won’t look too farfetched from Kaylus. Hehe.” 

Mrs. Lu, you are already treating my daughter with injustice. Calling her a troublemaker before she comes out is very rude.He touched the tip of her nose

You’ve already chosen Kaylus over me and Valen before she came,she pouted. Now I can understand how my Valen feels.” 


You know something, give me another boy. So we can have three against two.” 

HahahahaYou’re so cute.” 

Are you saying I’m a child?” 

Hmmm, that’s plausible if I’m a sugar daddy,” he chuckled

Jeslyn fumed while blinking, then an idea came to her

Mr. Lu, I’m suddenly craving something.” 

Oh no, no, please don’t be” 

Jeslyn nodded. It is Fried water and iced tea.” 

Maverick was flabbergasted that he had no idea when these words flew out of his lips. Wait what?” 

I know right?! That was exactly how I felt when I suddenly thought of something like that, but you have to go prepare it. Fried water and iced tea.” 

Cool, no problem. But you’ll have to come with me and teach me how it’s done.” 



Sorry, I’m no longer hungry. Goodnight. But know that I’ll add this to the list of things you refused to do for your daughter. I’m sure she’d be very proudof you.” 

I can certainly guarantee that,Maverick smiled

Jeslyn stared at his handsome face for a long time and suddenly said, stop smiling, I won’t be seduced.” 

Really, huh?he winked while his fingers explored

What are you doing?!She chuckled

I have no idea, my fingers have a life of their own.” 

Jeslyn’s contagious laughs filled the room and soon enough, silence followed. Peeking into their room, the cute pregnant woman was sleeping with her head on her husband’s chest, while the man messed with her hair

I definitely won’t be having a good day tomorrow,he chuckled

Two strands of my hair are missing. I can feel it. Where did you hide them?” 

Have you checked the bin?” 

Jeslyn gasped. You really pulled out my hair?! Lie down, I need to shave all your hair.” 

Maverick couldn’t help but laugh. Ever sincethebaby started growing inside of her, his wife has become one troublesome woman. Guess that was why Valen named her Kaylus

Are you sure you want to do that?he raised a brow and folded his arms on his chest while leaning on the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist

I’m very sure


HmmI remembered you like holding on to my hair when you’re riding on cloud nine. So, what will be your alternative?” 

Jeslyn’s gaze roamed the room for something and she caught sight of the bed and immediately said, The sheets. I’ll hold the sheets.” 

Maverick smiled. That might only happen if you’re in a doggy position. But unfortunately, I won’t be going doggy anymore.He winked


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