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Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties novel Chapter 111

The endless bed of the blue ocean which spread across every corner of the space aided the yacht which kept zooming in the highest of its velocity.

There were no waves at that part of the ocean, an advantage to the yacht which smoothly glid through the lips of the beautiful water.

Occasional calls of the seagulls were head until the yacht had gone so far and far away from the island, having the endless water as neighbors, to every corner it geared.

At the moment, there was an unbearable silence, deafening enough to alert the busy mind. On a side, the calmness and solitude would calm the nerve and usher one into exhilaration. But on the other, unknown dangers might creep up on anyone at anytime.

There came a chiming by the left and Damien looked. There was the feature of the Nether Camera Function hanging in the air which would turn occasionally to both right and left to capture the ocean, yacht and its driver at intervals.

He had made a video when he set on the journey and didn't want to miss any detail of the travel, no matter how little.

He arced his head to the back and looked. There were three bags there. One containing men wears, the other for the girls. He hadn't check out the third yet. He had wanted to when he climbed down from the mountain, but the disturbing words of the strange man who had big scar on his forehead, kept eating at his consciousness.

He had been trying to avoid the reality, making himself believe that it probably was some sort of joke. For all he knew, the system might be pulling a trick on him.

Though he hated to admit, but he was hiding under that strange fact because he was scared. He was scared to believe what the strange man had said. He was scared to think that something like that could happen to him.

But the more he thought of it, the weary his mind became. He didn't want to weigh on his mind and heart unnecessary. It would only complicate things. He knew too well.

Yet he couldn't pretend not to had heard the man.

His eyes strayed to another window hanging in the air which was to his right. The interface showed LOADING.

It had been loading since he left the frozen island.

"At least if it brings up a search result, I would know who the fucker is and know what to prepare for."

It had been loading for about twenty minutes since he started the journey. Yet nothing good had come out of it so far.

To add to the windows hanging in the air, he flipped out the system window and called out the System map which had been his major guide to his destination.

"How long more?"

His eyes widened when he saw the detail.

"Another thirty minutes. Waah... this is so far."

But then again he remembered that earlier, before he set on the journey, he'd thought that it would be about a day's journey or two but it turned out to be a fifty minutes.

"Let's not keep hopes high yet... it might be farther than that."

He scrolled through the system again and activated the ESCAPE LOOPHOLE MUSIC JUNGLE.

He had discovered the feature recently. And to his utmost dismay, he could connect the server of the system to the mortal world. Which by extension meant that, he could play any sort of music he wanted.

He could tap into the library of song archives and albums all over the world. And to think of it, the CTHERNET connection of the system was super fast. Travelled at hundred times nano speed.

He slowly closed his eyes when Aurora - Runaway started to play. When he closed his eyes, he had it in mind that when next he opened them, his worries and troubles would be gone.

But he had just made up a new lie for himself. You could say that he believed what he wanted to.

Opening his eyes did nothing but added embers to the flames already kindled. He could neither erase the haunting image of the strange man, nor could he mute the blaring voice in his head.

But the music was considerate... it did quite the job. Damien gave himself to the journey...

"At least we've all had enough of our angers. Now, let's act like mature minds."

Ayisha was again at it. The girls were gathered at the foot of the baobab tree. The baobab tree on which the watchtower was seated.

The atmosphere was calm but building. Given by the words of Ayisha and the recent reaction, it's safe to say that the atmosphere would build into a rather accommodating one than choking.

"Why should you be the person to talk all the time?"

Tendzel attacked Ayisha, but with less ruthlessness. She was more like curious than hateful.

"Do you have a suggestion or a way out? If you do, I would sit right now and be mute."

"I don't have something, but the rest might."

Ayisha looked away from her to the rest of the girls to find out if Tendzel was really right. But it seemed as though she (Tendzel) had just spoken off point.

Even Allison didn't seem to have anything to say. The faces of the girls were pale and their skins tone dull. Majority of them suffered bruises. All of them did. But most got more than the rest.

"I have always been quiet all along. That's all I have learnt to do. To be quiet."


Evelyn asked. Ayisha was intrigued.


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