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Cruel World novel Chapter 48

Chap 47


'And they live happily ever after...so that was the end and now it's your bedtime' Theo closed the storybook and kissed loving to Ava head..whose head was laying on his chest

Ava yawn and cutely said 'daddy can you sleep here'

Theo smiled 'I love too but daddy has some work to do and you know if you need me you can click this button ok but I'm here till the time you sleep'

Ava nodded and said 'ok daddy goodnight'

Theo protectively hold her 'good night princess'

when Ava was in her deep sleep Theo slowly get out of the bed and put the quilt on her and kissed her cheeks...he checked the camera he put on her room.

He gets out and went directly to his office...he was in the middle of the work when his phone ring ..he looks at the time it was almost 11 in the night.

He picked the call 'hello this theo grey speaking'

The caller said 'sir this is from new york central jail...we wanted to inform you your wife has tried to commit suicide ...we have taken to her city hospital ....we just wanted to inform you that her brother is out of reach and you were her next of kin after Mark Blake so please come immediately to the hospital'

Theo dropped the phone with a that....he was not shocked he was numb....sarah...Sarah try to kill her?

His eyes were bulging out he was going insane why ...but why she did that...did something happen to her...or she finally gives it up?

He shakily stands...and try to find a way to get out...but he was so lost...he was breathing loudly...he grabs his hair...he try to calm his breathing...she is fine..she is fine...

"But she was, not that's why she tries to kill herself" he yelled

He run and grab his car key and wallet and run to his car....but then he saw Tom getting out of his can and he was looking confused 'Theo whats wrong you look like hell'

Theo closed his eyes 'i have to go'

Tom grab his arm 'brother calm down where you have to go?'

'Hospital just fucking leave me' theo shout

Tom replied 'but why...dad...something happens to dad' he said in a panic

Theo shakes his had in hurried motion 'no he is fine..it...its Sarah ..she tries to kill herself'

Tom paled at the news 'what'

Theo opens his car door 'look I have to go just check AVa ... I don't know when I will be back'

But Tom still not move and he said in a dead tone 'i don't think you should go'

Theo raised his eyebrow in anger 'and why the fuck not'

Tom sighs 'cause she is nobody to us....she was nothing to us when she was convicted for Tina murder case and I think its God justice..what our sister has gone through now that bitch is going through...now she will know karma was really a bitch'

Theo lost it and punch him that leave Tom in shocked 'fuck you...she is my wife...she is my daughter mother...you fuker...she did what she did and she is punished for that but I will not leave her like this .'

Theo did not wait for tom response and drive like a crazy person.



'That's what you found' Mark asked the man

The man nodes 'i know it's not enough but well enough to know how to cater those people who give a statement against your sisters'

Mark rubbed his jaw 'so this waitress will confess that's what you are saying?'

The man node 'Mr Blake I know my job and I know this waitress will confess because she is already in distress and need of help ...she was already feeling guilty what she did but she is also scared...she was still not telling the name of the person who gives her the money to give false statements in the court'

Mark closed his eyes 'Who it can be? who wants Sarah behind the bar?..and why this waitress is scared?'

The man replied 'My guess that person she is afraid of is the same who was really behind Tina death...maybe he or she wants Sarah to be blamed for the crime they did'

Mark gives him an understanding node 'and what about the tape.CCTV footage of that area when Simon and Tina took off and what was their last stopped. I'm sure we can find some footage of that'

The man replied 'about that... I asked some tech guy who is working in a government agency, after a long research he just found out, that night of 12 dec the CCTV footage was fabricated and that tape was given to Greys when they were doing there own investigation... I asked him to retrieve the original one...he told me to give him a few days'

Mark sighs in anger 'fuck...whats happening here'

The man stands 'don't worry about the tape I will find out them but I will suggest you go to new york and talk to that waitress maybe you can take her into confidence and then she tells you the truth and who was involved'

Mark shake hand with the man 'Thanks a lot. I can't tell you how much grateful I am'

The man shrugs 'im just doing my job'

When the man was gone Mark took out his family picture when they all live together and were happy ..he smiled at Sarah innocent face 'sister don't worry you will be soon out of this hell...you will be happy again' he said in an emotional tone

Then his phone ring

He picked the phone and listen who it was ...he just said hello..then the caller told him that his sister tries to kill herself...he dropped his phone 'Sarah....(he put his hand on his mouth) Sarah why'



He runs inside the hospital and starts asking people where his wife then he saw some police officer and saw they were standing outside the ICU ....he was breathless 'my...my wife. I have to see her'

But the officers stop him 'sorry sir..you cant go inside she is still a prisoner and right now you need the permission from the main office to meet her'

Theo lost it 'then why the hell I was called when I can't see her'

But the Theo saw doctor coming out of ICU room and he said in fear 'doctor my wife...sarha...what happen....is she ok...and why she did it?' Theo asked everything in one go

The doctor gives him understanding look 'Sir I will tell you everything please calm down and please come in my office we will talk there'

Theo looks towards the door where Sarah was there but he node absently and walked with the doctor

Doctor give him some water and said 'I can understand what you are feeling

Theo shouted 'the hell you can..just tell me is she ok..will she (he hesitate) will she live ?'

Doctor sighs 'Sir all I can say...the police brought her little late here..she already lost a lot of blood...we are trying our best but she is in a coma right now, all I can say we are waiting for her to respond in any form otherwise we can't say much'


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