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Cuando Sus Ojos Abrieron Por Simple Silence novel Chapter 2275

Capítulo 2275

Sin esperar a que Travis exclamara, la pequeña volvió a decir: “Abuelo,
La mano de la niña señaló al guardaespaldas de la familia Jones en la puerta y
se rió: “Los dos son como dos marionetas. ¡Vaya!”
Travis vio no solo a sus dos guardaespaldas, sino también a dos
guardaespaldas retenidos como rehenes.
Pistolas contra sus sienes.
Al mismo tiempo, el cañón de una pistola lo apuntaba.
Travis estaba tan aterrorizado que levantó la mano por instinto.
“Tú… qué estás haciendo… le di dinero… le di a Sasha 10 millones… ¿no son
10 millones suficientes? Entonces, ¿cuántos quieres?
Travis didn’tdesear to die!
He would definitelyhacer innumerables dinero en el futuro, su valor would
surpass Avery, Elliot…and all his friends!
Everyonequien menciona su nombre lo llamaría a legend!
“Travis, have you ever thought that what I wantes not money?” A female voice
came from outside the door.
‘Sasha’ appeareden la puerta de la habitación con a sinister smile on her face.
Travis looked at her face,y su mente se volvió mucho más clara at this moment.
No wonder Travis thought this face was familiar, he must have seen her before!
And, they both have a grudge!
“You suspected me at first that I wasn’t Sasha, and you almost scared me! But I
bet you don’t remember me long ago, so you just said a few words to divert your
attention, but you really don’t doubt me. I am happy and sad… After all, we
used to love each other, why can’t you remember my face and voice at all?” The
woman entered the room and walked to Travis.
Travis looked at the woman’s face up close, his lips murmured uncontrollably,
but he didn’t make a sound.
“Who am I? Don’t you remember?” The woman asked with a sneer.
“You, you…” Travis thought of a headache, raised his hand and patted his head,
“I have a little impression… We must have been better before…”
“Yes! You did treat me well before, but after a few days, you ruthlessly
abandoned me… Later I found out that I was pregnant with your child, and went
to you with joy, but you gave me a slap and let me get out.” The woman said,
tears welling up in her eyes. But she didn’t cry.
Today, she has got her revenge, and she was in a very happy mood.
“I want to prove to you that my child is yours, but you gave me the abortion
medicine with your own hands, and saw that my child was gone, so you let me
go…Travis, I wish I could make you older. Take eight pieces and avenge the
humiliation I have suffered and the child I didn’t give birth to!”
Travis had done all the bad things in his life, and he didn’t remember the things
the woman said so clearly.
Because he poisoned more than this woman and this child?
“I’m sorry! I apologize to you! I’ll give you money…don’t kill me…I can’t die.”
Travis trembled, grabbing the woman’s arm with both hands, bitterly begging.
“You must die!” The woman’s eyes were scarlet, and she roared, “Even if I take
my life, I must let you die!”
Travis’s face changed greatly, his expression was stern and painful: “You are
not Sasha… Where is the real Sasha… What is your relationship with Sasha?
Let me be a clear!”
No conozco a ningún Sasha…” La mujer apartó el cuerpo de Travis y lo miró
con disgusto, “Solo conozco a tu hija, Norah. Si ella no me hubiera ayudado,
¿cómo puedo acercarme a ti tan suavemente? Jajajaja! ¡No esperabas que la
persona que realmente te mata sea tu propia hija!”


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