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Cuando Sus Ojos Abrieron Por Simple Silence novel Chapter 2276

Capítulo 2276

“Travis, ¿no te enteraste? ¡Esta es tu retribución jajajaja!” La mujer dijo esto y
se rió a carcajadas: “¡Desafortunadamente, Dios te ha dejado vivir hasta ahora,
Dios no tiene ojos!”
“Resultó ser Norah… resultó ser ella…” Travis apretó los dientes, la expresión
en su rostro era como una sonrisa pero una sonrisa, como un llanto en lugar de
un llanto.
Si hubiera muerto a manos de otros, no habría sufrido tanto.
¡Norah, la traidora! Aún no la ha encontrado, aún no la ha matado y, como
resultado, ha caído en la trampa que ella diseñó.

A las 9 de la mañana, Emilio llegó a la antigua casa de los Jones.
Le dijo a su padre anoche que quería acompañar a su padre a ver a Sasha hoy,
pero su padre se negó.
Travis felt thatno pudo ayudar or get in the way.
Emilio could only givearriba. Quería saber cómo hablaban su padre y Sasha,
así que he could only come to the old house and wait for his father to come
Although he knew that after his fatherencontró a Haze, definitivamente no
traería gente a casa, pero incluso si no pudiera ver a la verdadera persona de
Haze, sería bueno ver a Haze photos.
He didn’t know ifHaze se parecía a Avery or Elliot.
He didn’tsaber dónde escondería su padre Haze en that time.
He didn’t even know if hispadre expandiría sus ambiciones y tomaría decisiones
fuera de control after he fouud Haze.
Emiliono dormí bien anoche. Subconscientemente se sentía pesimista. Incluso
si su padre pudiera encontrar a Haze primero, el resultado final definitivamente
no sería as smooth as his father expected.
Elliot andAvery no eran personas ordinarias. Después de que supieron about
this, how could they let the Jones family go?
Emilio and his father knew that Elliot wasel tipo de persona que preferiría morir
antes que ser wronged.
“Master got up at five o’clock in the morning today.” The servant who tookEl
cuidado de Travis hizo el té de Emilio. “Por lo general duerme until 9 o’clock!
But he woke up so early today and was in good spirits.”
Emilio: “What time didmi padre se va the door?”
“What time did he leave the door after six o’clock.” The servant replied, “It
wasn’t dawn at that time, and the snow outside the door hadn’t been dealt with!
I didn’t know that the master was so early. What was he doing when he went
out? Even if he hd an appointment with someone, I’m afraid others were not so
“Father must had a plan in mind. Maybe he had an appointment with someone
farther away!” Emilio sat in a chair and held a cup of tea , took a sip, “By the
way, were there any suspicious vehicles and people at the door today?”
The servant shook his head: “In such a cold day, I didn’t pay attention to the
situation outside. The bodyguard at the gate didn’t say anything unusual, there
should be nothing unusual. Right? Second Young Master, why do you suddenly
ask this?”
“My dad was looking for Elliot and Avery’s stray daughter. They already know
about it, and I thought they would definitely send someone to watch here.”
Emilio Express your worries, “If someone is watching here, I think it’s better for
my father to live in another place.”
“Where is it? Your father can’t be idle and has to work every day. If you don’t
see anyone at work, you can hide from Elliot and the others.” The servant
sighed, “Second young master, at this age, your father should have enjoyed his
old age, but he wants to continue to work hard.”
“Blame me. To become bigger and stronger, my father will not work so hard.”
Emilio laughed at himself.
“Second young master, don’t say that. You are still very capable. It’s just that
your father’s ambition goes far beyond defending the family business. Don’t
take it to heart. After all, he’s so old…” The servant didn’t continue to say what
he said later, but the meaning was obvious.
Emilio asked, “After Margaret died, did my dad’s health really deteriorate a lot?”
El sirviente miró a su alrededor y vio que no había extraños en la sala de estar,
por lo que dijo en voz baja: “Sí. Margaret terminó la medicina que Margaret le
dio a tu padre antes. No sé qué medicina le dio Margaret a tu padre. Después
de que dejó de tomar el medicamento, su estado mental empeoró
significativamente. No dormía tan bien por la noche”.
Emilio lo sabía en su corazón: “Pero creo que el estado mental de mi papá es
similar al de antes”.
El sirviente: “Todavía es un poco diferente. Margaret estaba allí y cuando
estaba al lado de tu padre, su temperamento era más suave.
“Mmm”. Emilio bebió el té, dejó la taza y miró hacia afuera.


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