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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 172

Both Elliot and Jasper’s faces stiffened hearing the doctor.

“What? You sure my sister is pregnant?”

Jasper asked seriously while Elliot frowned.

“How long?”

The doctor realized something was odd, he answered carefully.

“It’s still early, it all depends on when was her last menstrual.”

“Are you sure there is no mistake?”

Jasper asked again and the doctor shook his head.

“Mr Holland, Ms Holland is pregnant.”

Jasper was in disbelieve, he adjusted his emotion and asked the doctor again.

“My sister passed out just now, is the baby alright? And her body?”

“Her medical report is fine, sugar level is on the lower side, and she needs balance and nutrients food.”

Jasper didn’t know what to say, he kept his mouth shut.

Elliot swept a glance at her son and turned to the doctor.

“Yes, thank you.”

Elliot asked Jasper with a stiffened face after the doctor was gone.

“Do you know that your sister has a boyfriend? Is Jason the father? Or someone else?”

Jasper shook.

“Selena’s routine is work and home, she goes out once in a while during the weekend, but spend most of her time at the police station and home. Even with Jason, they don’t go out that often and don’t look like they are in love. Mom, was Selena raped?”

Elliot analyzed her son to see if he was lying.

She knew Selena love Jasper and Elliot was afraid that they might end up together.

They were siblings, though not blood related but they must not be together.

“Let’s ask her when she’s awake.”

Elliot’s heart was heavy, she didn’t know why but she sensed that something was wrong.

Selena woke up half an hour later.

She then realized she was in the hospital. She looked at her mom and brother sitting at the side and asked.

“Why am I here in the hospital?”

Jasper hadn’t replied and Elliot asked.

“Selena, did someone bully you?”

Selena shook in confusion, Elliot continued.

“Doctor told us you passed out due to malnutrition because you are pregnant. Who is the father? Jason?”

A bomb exploded in Selena’s head when she heard her mom.

Pregnant? How possible?

Selena’s lips trembled, she was nervous. Jasper saw her expression and asked.

“Did someone bullied you? Selena, Jason? Tell me, I will avenge you!”

“No… No one bullied me…”

Selena explained nervously while Jasper asked again.

“Well then who is the father? Do you have a boyfriend? Call him up and we will discuss about marriage.”

Selena couldn’t think anymore, she didn’t know what to say.

If she said someone raped her, her brother and mom will definitely avenge her.

But, if she lied about the father, she couldn’t think of anyone who would lie with her.

Her face turned white when she thought of her brother who was also the father of her child, she dared not utter a word.

“Jasper… It’s not like that, I visited the pub and didn’t know who the father is.”

Selena told a lie at the end.

“Slap” Elliot threw a slap onto Selena’s face.

Jasper was astonished.

“Mom, why did you slap her? She is the victim!”

Elliot was infuriated.

“Stop defending her! I told her to love herself and not to get involved in a complicated relationship, but look at her now! She’s pregnant and doesn't know who the father is? What a shame to the Holland family!”

Selena felt her cheek was burning, but she dared not speak, she kept her head low.

“Mom, it had happened, stop saying things that hurt her. She’s pregnant, we need to solve the problem instead of fighting. Selena, this is an accident, since we don’t know who the father is, let’s go for abortion.”

Selena looked at Jasper in tremendous shocked hearing what he said. Her lips trembled nonstop.

This is the child of her and her brother, she would never give up.

Elliot nodded in agreement.

“Your brother is right, you don’t need to keep the baby since you don’t know who the father is. Selena, you are still young, you need to get married and have a family. Who will want to marry you if you have a child now? Do you want to marry a commoner? A daughter of a family like us will never marry others bringing a child out of wedlock. Listen to me and arrange for an abortion.”

“I want to keep this child, I like children…”

Selena gathered her courage and uttered the words looking at Elliot and Jasper.

Elliot’s face turned green, she raised her hand but was stopped by Jasper.

“Mom, calm down, let me speak to her, she’s still young, don’t get angry.”

Elliot was infuriated. She had enough headache knowing her adopted daughter fell in love with Jasper, she loved her as her own.


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