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Daddy, Mommy had been in Prison novel Chapter 173

Ivan Simpson’s words made Robert Simpson sound as if he was stuttering slightly.

“The footage during Wendy Simpson’s accident was still there? Did the footage really record the situation of the accident site?”

Ivan nodded while smiling over the phone, he sounded like he was somewhat relieved.

“I’ve looked everywhere, but I didn’t expect the footage to be saved in my cloud storage. I watched it just now, and yes, it recorded absolutely everything that happened during the accident, even though it was short. It also recorded Eden Lane walking out from the driver’s seat of the car, so she can be convicted based on this footage alone. Robert, you can stop debating with people now. If we upload this footage to the internet, and send it to the police, Georgia Lane will be cleared of any suspicion, the lies and deceptions from the Lane family will become clear as day, and Wendy will be avenged.”

Robert had never been more thrilled in his entire life.

It was such a comeback, he thought that the footage had been lost, and now he’s at a lost of words due to his excitement.

“Thank you, Ivan. If Georgia knew this, she would be very happy. This incident had been on her mind a lot lately. She had suffered a lot of humiliation these few years, and now, I’m going to clear her name of any suspicion. Send me a copy of the footage, I’ll let her have a look at it. She will definitely be very happy if she sees this. As for the online debates, I’ll handle it myself, don’t worry about it. I’ve already planned out my steps, and with this footage, it will definitely shorten the time I need to achieve victory on my side. But, I’ll upload the footage later when the timing is right.”

Ivan didn’t care whenever Robert decides to upload the footage to the internet. He smiled at Robert and said.

“You can do whatever you want, bro, I’ll leave it up to you. I’m just wondering when we will send the footage to the cops? We can’t let Eden get away with what she’d done scot-free.”

Robert’s original plan was to capture Eden, move her to a discreet location and interrogate her to make her spit out the truth of the incident.

But ever since he was certain that Georgia was not involved in the incident, there was no need to interrogate Eden.

And now that he had the footage of the accident, there was even lesser of a need to interrogate her.

The best approach now is to get the cops to incarcerate Eden, and start a flame war on the internet against her.

“Since everything is in your control, do whatever you want, bro. This time, we must avenge Wendy.”

After they hung up the call, the footage was emailed to Robert and he downloaded it.

He then called a police station that he personally knew and sent the footage to them.

After that, he pushed himself out of the study in his wheelchair.

The sun had almost set by then, Georgia and Vanessa Cooke were playing with Annie Cooke in the garden.

Seeing as Gigi was happily playing with Annie, Robert told her.

“Gigi, I have a surprise for you, do you wanna come and take a look?”

She was flying a kite with Annie. When she heard Robert, she told Annie.

“You both play without me, I have to leave for a while.”

“Go do your thing with uncle, mummy. I’ll continue playing with mom, don’t worry about me.”

Georgia walked next to Robert, then smiled and asked.

“What kind of surprise do you have in store for me? Your expression tells me that it’s gonna be something very exciting.”

She had been with him for a really long time, but this was the first time she had seen him feeling so happy. Usually, it was hard for her to even figure out how was Robert feeling.

“Follow me to the study, I’m sure you’ll love what I’m about to show you.”

Georgia pushed Robert into the study and in front of his desk. Robert then played the footage of the accident.

The footage showed a car slowly moving on a highway. Then, the car entered an accident site right in front of it. The footage then slowly closed in on the accident, it showed Eden getting out from the driver’s seat and ran away in a hurry…

Georgia’s immediately started crying. She covered her mouth, restraining herself from expressing the excitement and sadness deep down in her heart all at the same time.

“Robert, how did you find this footage?”

Georgia asked as she could barely contain her excitement. She was crying tears of happiness, all of the sadness and excitement were all clumped up in her heart.

“Ivan called me just now. He told me that when he was looking for a missing folder on his computer, the professional he hired found his cloud storage account on accident. He used to save every video to his cloud storage. Since his car dash cam was also connected to the internet, the footage naturally found its way into the cloud storage.”


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