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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 A Dream

He even asked about the age of the elderly lady in Cherise’s story!

Frances and Mr. Kolson were taken aback. This was unlike Damien!

Normally, he was so distant that he couldn’t even be bothered to listen to Tristan’s romantic escapades. Now, he was quietly listening to Cherise talk about the everyday lives.

of the rural folks!

Love, indeed, had a way of making people throw caution to the wind…

Cherise lay her head on Damien’s lap and kept talking until she drifted asleep.

Damien gently lowered his head, running his fingers through her dark, silky hair, a subtle smile gracing his face. He glanced at Mr. Hampson, who was half-dozing behind him, and said, “Condense my schedule and free up a week.”

Mr. Hampson snapped back to attention and furrowed his brows as he looked at Damien. “Mr. Lenoir, are you… planning to accompany Mrs. to the countryside?”

“Yes,” Damien replied in a low, affectionate tone. “she’s probably homesick.”

It had been a month since they got married, and it was natural for Cherise to feel homesick. He should have considered her feelings and taken her back home sooner. It was his failure as a husband for not noticing sooner.

Mr. Hampson furrowed his brows. “But, this is such a critical time. After signing the agreement with Raetec Group, we’re worried that they would back out or deliver subpar products. Our company needs your presence now.”

Damien sighed and closed his eyes. “Try to bring Lennon back.”

Mr. Hampson was surprised. “Mr. Lenoir, there are too many complications surrounding. Mr. Belcourt. Bringing him back now… wouldn’t that be too conspicuous?”

“Not at all.”

Damien stroked Cherise’s hair as he continued, “Although Lennon has severed ties with the Belcourt family and found success overseas, he still cares about his sister, Violet.”

Mr. Hampson chimed in, “That’s the persona his management company has designed for him.”

“In that case…


A sly glint flickered in Damien’s deep, enigmatic eyes. “If Violet were to have a car accident and end up in a coma in the ICU, and Lennon rushed back from abroad in great distress, would it be convincing for his return?”


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