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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband novel Chapter 829

The evidence was undeniable that he'd often looked the other way when Gwenn deliberately schemed and harmed her.

Cherise understood Damien was trying to protect her, doing what he thought was right. But as a daughter, she couldn't bear the thought of Beckham being heartbroken.

So, she glared at Damien, eyes blazing. "So, you said you'll take whatever punishment I throw at you. Right?"

Cherise glared, fists clenched. She took a shaky breath, then clamped down on the finger Damien had teasingly placed on her lips.

She chomped, expecting a yell, but he just met her gaze, unfazed.

Finally, when her jaw got tired, Cherise released him.

He even held out another finger playfully, "Fancy another bite? Just for balance?"

Caught off guard, Cherise blurted, "Don't you feel anything?"

Damien chuckled. "Nope. Much prefer kisses from my wifey, though."

His nonchalance left Cherise flustered. Looking at the deep teeth marks on his finger, she felt a pang of guilt. Had she gone too far?

She wanted to bite him hard enough to make him yelp, but this damn iron-willed man wouldn't budge! Seeing Damien had no reaction, she misjudged her force and sank her teeth deeper than intended.

Cherise peeked up at Damien, guilt gnawing at her. "Why didn't you yell when I chomped on you?"

He grinned, his eyes filled with mischief. "Tough guys, don't cry, my dear. Not for a little love bite."

"But… you could have made a sound! Even just a groan or something," she whined, cradled his hand, blowing softly on the bite mark. "It must've hurt like crazy! Why didn't you pull away?"


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