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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband novel Chapter 833

Serafina twirled her braids, her voice bubbling with excitement, "Look at my beautiful braids, Mommy!"

She giggled, swinging her hair. "Grandpa said he never braided your hair when you were little. Do you think he could do it now? He's really good at braids!"

Cherise's eyes widened. She glanced at Serafina, then met Beckham's gaze, a hesitant smile tugging at her lips. After a moment, a warm feeling spread through her. "Sure, why not?"

Turning to her father, she added, "It's been ages since anyone touched my hair. If you're up for it, I'm game!"

Beckham practically beamed, his hands buzzing with nervous energy. "Of course I am! Let's do it!"

Cherise chuckled. "Alright, let's see what you can do. You've never braided my hair before."

Suddenly, Soren popped up, holding out a comb. He warned Beckham, "Hey, Grandpa. Sera and I only have one Mommy, so don't mess it up too badly. Otherwise, we might have to find a new one!"

"Uh-huh! Mommy needs a beauty makeover just like Sera!" Serafina chirped, nodding.

Cherise chuckled, shaking her head at the two chatterboxes. "You two wouldn't stop talking for a second, would you?"

Though she teased, her voice dripped with love and appreciation. She understood their attempt to lighten the mood.

Right! Why cry on a day like this?

With a smile, she let Serafina pull her down to the floor.

Watching from the sofa, Beckham reached over and gently removed the band from Cherise's high ponytail. Her dark hair cascaded down like a silky waterfall.


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