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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband novel Chapter 980

Chapter 980 Connection

Frances furrowed her brow, pondering for a moment. “There are several instances…” she began.

“Such as?” Cherise prompted eagerly.

“For example, Mr. Lenoir once had a disagreement with his family because of you,” Frances revealed.

Cherise’s eyes widened. “A disagreement with his family? With whom? Why?” she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Just as Frances was about to respond, a discreet cough from the servant nearby interrupted the conversation.

Frances interpreted the subtle hint and offered a faint smile. “You’ll need to address that matter with Mr. Lenoir directly,” she advised.

“We’re merely servants; it’s not our place to reveal too many details,” Frances added, maintaining a sense of propriety.

“I’d rather not find myself in a situation like June’s,” she concluded with a note of caution.

Cherise nodded, mindful of the cautionary tale of June. She restrained herself from pressing further, sighing softly as she settled back onto the sofa, idly watching a drama unfold before her.

Her mind was preoccupied throughout the morning.

Damien was engrossed in his duties, Mr. Hampson had his own affairs to attend to, and Frances was undoubtedly busy as well.

It seemed everyone in the household had responsibilities to fulfill.

Even Serafina, Soren, and Alexis had their commitments at kindergarten.

Yet, Cherise found herself with nothing to occupy her time.

Since losing her memory, she had also lost the ability to lead an independent life.

Each day felt like being trapped in a cage, devoid of freedom, with uncertainty clouding her thoughts.

Amidst her confusion, a scene in the drama captured her attention–a poignant reunion between the female lead and her parents, tears of joy flowing freely.

Parents, family… I should have had them too, right?

Chapter 980 Connection

Moved by a sudden longing, she reached for her phone and dialed the number saved under “Mom.”

A man’s voice answered, young and warm.

“Cherise? How did you manage to call Charisa’s phone?”


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