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Don’t Fall for the Billionaire Lover novel Chapter 723

Chloe chuckled softly, "I just love seeing you get all jealous."

Connor put on a fake stern face, "Babe, that's not fair play."

Chloe reached out to scratch his chin again but paused, remembering that Connor wasn't a fan of it. He was sensitive about being treated like a trophy husband, feeling that such playful gestures were belittling. Chloe didn’t see it that way, but she respected his feelings.

As she was about to pull her hand back, Connor, still driving, leaned into her hand, offering his chin. Without looking at her, he said casually, "Go on, then."

Chloe almost burst into laughter but managed to give him a quick scratch before withdrawing her hand.

"You're seeing Cassie tomorrow, right?" Connor asked.

Chloe nodded, "Yeah, part of why she came to Riverbrook was because of me. Now I'm heading off to Eldridge City, and I feel a bit bad about leaving her behind."

"Don't worry, she'll tag along," Connor assured her.

"How do you know?" Chloe asked.

"She's like glue—always sticking with you," Connor teased.

"Hey, don't talk about Cassie like that," Chloe said, a bit miffed.

Seeing her genuinely upset, Connor quickly apologized, "Sorry, it’s just that with her attitude and style, I sometimes forget she's a girl." After a moment, he added, "I wonder what's up with her and the third Shaw brother."

Chloe was curious too, especially after seeing Winston's conflicted look the last time they met.


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