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Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! novel Chapter 17

Riley quickly follòwed Samuel and kept begging all the way.

Nicole clenched her fists tightly as she heard their voice getting further and further.

Five years ago, when he betrayed her and their marriage, messing around with Riley. He was not as cold and heartless as now.

She still remembered when seeing them at the hospital. Samuel was so considerate to Riley and so ecstatic after knowing the fact that Riley was pregnant.

But now, he just threw away the woman that he used to like so much. Then what would the position of Nicole, his former wife, be in his heart?

Perhaps she had been wrong since the beginning. She should not fall in love with that man. He was a total coldblooded person like a rock that could never be heated.

Although this was something she had already known, Nicole's heart couldn't help hurting.

The hardships for the past five years appeared in her mind once again. Outside the burning fire was the bodyguard's cruel voice, saying that everything was Samuel's order. Even today she could still feel the utter desperation and coldness.

The only way for such a man to know what he used to do was heinous and unforgivable was to let him experience the deep pain of being betrayed by his beloved!

The light of hatred dashed from Nicole's eyes.

Her return was to have Samuel love her. She was looking forward to seeing the inconsolable look of Samuel at the end.

Nicole sat on the floor while leaning on the door. She couldn't recover from her thoughts and emotions for a long time until the phone rang.

The phone was called by the CEO Allen Brook that she met in America that day.

Nicole looked slightly warmer as she saw Allens name.


Nicole picked up the phone and her voice was much gentler.

lt was lucky for her to meet Allen for these Íive years.

Five years ago, Allen passed by, saved her life, took her back and gave her a new identity and a new life. He even trained her to become a famous designer and have the capability to make a living and raise her children.

Nicole was thankful to him.

Allen smiled when he heard Nicole s voice.

"How is it going? Are you used to be back? Did he find faults with you?”

Allen actually did not want Nicole to go back, but he knew that the hatred in her heart was too deep. lf she wasnt alloồwed to come back and revenge, she would never feel happy in her whole life.

Besides, Nicole returned for some other reasons, which made Allen very sad yet he had to agree.


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