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Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! novel Chapter 199

Nicole was not surprised that Zama would do that.


As long as Zama was not a fool, she will get closer to the head of the Green Family after knowing that Mrs. Green could have children.


If she could successfully seduce Laurel's husband and made him fall in love with her, it may be possible to replace Laurel.


Zama hadn't been that impressed before, but as the series of events unfolded, Nicole found Zama to be calculating, even tolerant, and good at pretending.


Laurel calmed down a bit and said, "At that time, your father was afraid of another blow to me, so he had been hiding it from me, and started to stay away from Zama, and put forward to change another one to do the surrogacy, I didn't know what was going on, thinking that your father was not satisfied with my arrangement, even felt he felt in love with someone else. After some quarrels, your father finally agreed to do a test tube. Unfortunately, it didn't work out.”


"Zama was able to conceive only after an ivf procedure. When Zama was pregnant, I had mixed feelings and could not tell what I felt. I knew that I would love this child very much, because it was the child of the person I loved most. However, I was somewhat estranged, because it was not born out of my body. The struggle lasted until the moment the baby was born, and when Samuel smiled at me, I suddenly felt that my whole life was complete. It was the purest smile in the world, something I would want to protect in my whole life.”


Mrs. Green's eyes were full of tears, but her lips were smiling, so charming, so kind.


Nicole understood Mrs. Green all of a sudden.


A woman who could do this for love was so admirable.


"You could have let Zama go after that.”


"Yes, that's what your father said, but I was afraid the baby wouldn't breastfeed, so I didn't agree. Instead, I kept Zama. Zama did act like a babysitter, bringing the baby to me as soon as she finished feeding him. I thought it would last forever.”


“She wont be satisfied as a babysitter!


Nicole's positive tone made Laurel laugh bitterly.


"Yes, she was not satisfied as a babysitter, and it was too late when I slowly discovered that. She drugged me and my husband, and my husband's health collapsed in one night. I never knew that she wanted all of your father's property. She even tried to force me to abdicate and make her child the heir of the Green Family, and she could control everything.”


Laurel's eyes went cold.


Nicole was surprised.


"She killed Papa?”




Mrs. Green was furious.


“Then how can you tolerate her being in the Green Family?”


“Because she took control of Vincent and poisoned him. Can you imagine that? A mother would poison her own son, for the illusory rights and riches.”


Nicole was in shock.


"So, you gave in?"


“That's my husband's son! It's the Green Family's child!"


Mrs. Green covered her face in pain.


“I can't do that to my husband and to the Green Family. I brought Zama to the Green Family, and I killed my husband indirectly. Samuel was there for me, so she didn't have a chance to kill him. But Vincent was still a little boy, she took over him and I had to make a pact with her. I said that Samuel would become the heir of the Green Family. Even if she controlled Vincent, I would lose a son at the worst and have nothing to lose, but she would have to bear the anger and hatred of the Green Family. Maybe she was smart. From that day on, she was calm and relieved Vincent's poison, but we bore grudges from then on."


"In those years, for the sake of the Green Family left behind by my late husband, I had to go out early and come back late every day. Naturally, I ignored Samuel and let her take advantage of the opportunity. When I found that my son and I began to be estranged, or even not close to me, everything was too late. But there was nothing I could do, because the Green Family needed me"


As she said this, Mrs. Green sighed again.


"I was estranged from Samuel and Vincent for more than 20 years, and I watched Zama take control of the two children. When I handed over the Green Family to Samuel, I knew Zama might attack me, so I left the Seapolis City and moved abroad. It was ostensibly for leisure, but actually for the protection of Samuel and Vincent. It was just that I didn't expect her to be more aggressive and restless, and she was even in contact with people from the Night Elf Empire. If it wasn't for the disappearance of Lucas, I might not know how deep her roots are in the Green Family over the years. But now that I know it, I still can't touch her, because there are so many people involved with her, and Samuel doesn't know who she really is, so I have to wait.”


This kind of helpless was not average person could experience.


Nicole suddenly didn't know what to say.


Zama was Samuel's real mother!


No wonder Zama didn't like her.


Nicole was speechless.


“Aren't you going to tell Samuel that?"


"You could tell him, as there are things that would hurt him if it is me to tell him. If you think it's better to keep it a secret, keep it a secret. I do treat him as if he were my own son.”


Mrs. Green sighed, as if she were tired.


Nicole jumped to her feet when she saw that Mrs. Green was not feeling well.


"Rest now, mother, and we'll talk about it some other time. Take care of yourself. I count on you to take care of my babies."




Laurel said it all, and suddenly she felt lighter.


She sighed while lying down, and fell into a deep sleep.


Nicole's mind was not calm.


Suddenly knowing so many secrets of the Green Family, she could not digest them for a while, but she was also relieved.


It was a relief to Nicole that Lucas was alive and well, surviving as a survivor under the protection of the Green Family.


She sent for special care for Mrs. Green, but when she went out, she saw Samuel standing by the door, looking a little ugly.


“When did you come?


"For a while”


Samuel tried to smile, but he couldn't.



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