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Don't Try to Escape, My Wife! novel Chapter 20


Nicole seemed to be in that fire again. All her desperate pleas for help were consumed by fire.


"No! Help! Help me!"


She was sweating buckets. She waved her hands and was like a helpless child.


Olivia hurriedly grabbed her hand and said with pity, "Nicole, its okay. Ifs okay. m here. lm here. Don't be afraid."


Although she did not know what Nicole had gone through in the past five years, the fire five years ago was known to the whole Seapolis City.

No one could get out of that nightmare.


She had heard that the fire burned everything. The roaring flames burned for several hours.


"It hurts! It so hurts! Help me. I'm going to die of pain!"


Nicole grabbed Olivias hands, as if she had grabbed the straw. She used all her strength to grab Olivias hands. Her nails sank into Olivias skin. It hurt, but not as much as the pain in Olivias heart.


"What exactly have you been through? Why did you have a tattoo? Nicole, you have too many secrets. How can l help you?”


Olivias eyes were misty.


She wanted to get justice for Nicole. But who was the other party?


lt was Samuel!


The most powerful man of the Seapolis City.


What could an ordinary person like her do to this man, who was so powerful2


The only thing she could do for Nicole was provide her with a place to live and help her with some chores as much as possible.


She could feel that Nicole came back with a plan this time and even would do something big. But Nicole didn't say anything to her and she couldn't ask. Now, seeing Nicole in sụch pain, Olivia was extremely sad.


It was only after a long time that Nicole quieted down. But the tears kept trickling down her cheeks. She kept murmuring and asking why, calling Lucas and Zoe.


The night passed unnoticed.


When the sunlight shone through the window, Nicole woke up.


She looked at the white ceiling and the white bed. lt took her a while to realize where she was.


She moved her arm, instantly waking up Olivia.


"you're awake? Are you okay now? [ll go get a doctor for you."



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