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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 54

Twenty-sixth floor of Kingsang Building.

Crane had just finished practicing, and after his internal energy stabilized, he went straight downstairs.

"Lunch is ready, come and eat."

A sweet voice came into his ears. Crane came closer and smiled heatedly, "I haven't had Flora's cooking before."

"Not as good as yours."

Flora had regained that cold appearance and said quietly.

She had eaten Crane's breakfast and was well aware that this man was a very good cook, and she was not good as him.

But when she turned her head, she saw Crane who was feasting as if he was eating some supreme delicacy.

"Take it slow."

Black was speechless and thought this guy's acting skills were really bad.

Crane smiled.

For him, even if those World Class chefs came, they were not even the slightest bit as good as Flora.

"Daddy, I want to drink water."

Megan trotted along, her pigtails bouncing.

As soon as Crane picked up Megan, he softly said, "I will take you to the mall to buy clothes later, okay?"


Megan clapped her hands in glee.

Nadia popped her little head up too, "Daddy, I want it too, and Mommy, she hasn't had a new dress in years."

"Okay, we'll go together."

Crane looked up at Flora and said with a smile, "Honey, do you think it's okay?"

"Don't call me that, we're not married, no, I haven't accepted you yet."

Flora had a stern face.

Crane pressed his mouth. On, woman, the first sentence is the truth, but the latter one is obviously covering her true heart.

“Lord Smith, David Browns wants to see you."

At this time a voice transmission entered Crane's ears, and Crane nodded slightly and said, "Let him in."

David soon came in, and when he saw Crane, he called out, "Boss."

Turning towards Flora, he said, "Mrs. Smith."

And finally, looking at Nadia and Megan with a smile, he said, "Miss Nadia, Miss Megan."

Flora, "......"

"Come on up."

Crane walked ahead and led David directly upstairs.

He didn't even notice Flora's difference.

"I seem to have seen this man somewhere, but I can’t figure it out."

Flora thought she had a good memory, but she just couldn't recall where she had seen David.

"Maybe my memory is faulty, never mind. Nadia, Megan, it's time to do your homework."



David listened to the commotion below, and his heart softened.

"Boss, you have a happy family, it is envious."

"My wife hasn't completely forgiven me."

Crane smiled bitterly.

Soon his face became serious, "You came to me for the Red Sea Society?"


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