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Dragon Lord Crane Smith novel Chapter 55

"The Smith family in Magic City!"

David's heart was thumping with shock.

He had guessed Crane's identity, but he never expected that this would be the young master of the Smith Family who was rumored to have died in an accident during the Smith Family’s Rebellion back then.

"Oh, what, are you afraid?"

The corners of Crane's mouth rose slightly.

David took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Sort of."

"Since you said those words, I think you must have absolute certainty that you can handle the Smith Family."

"But I'm more concerned about why the Smith would come to a small place like Stone City?"

He had great doubts about it.

Crane shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not sure about that, I'll have to wait to get a clear answer after making contact with them."

"But you don't need to be afraid of them. It is just a family rely on some heritage but aren’t really capable, I don't think the people sent by the Smith Family this time will be that powerful."

He said with a lot of confidence.

In response, David nodded slightly.

In any case, he was now part of Crane's camp and was destined to be targeted, so he could only rely on Crane, and in the process he could not show any fear.

"I will deal with the Red Sea Society, but that Smith Family member still needs to be dealt with by you personally, Boss."

"Okay, you go back first."


David left Kingsang Building, only to feel cold sweat on his back.

"The Smith family in Magic City is a tough nut to crack, if they really have bad intentions, I'm afraid we will not be able to deal with it."

"I hope that boss really has it in him to deal with it."

A stray thought flooded his mind.

Just then, a figure appeared in front of him, causing David to raise his eyebrows slightly.

"You are?"

This person was obviously coming for him, with a killing intention. Even though David's own battle power was not simple, he did not dare to make any moves.

In this area, there was not only this one person, and a great sense of threat filled every drop of David's blood.

"Our young master wants to see you, Mr. Brown."

This butler-like man said faintly.

David's eyes narrowed slightly as he asked in a cold voice, "You are from the Smith?"

"You know it?"

The Smith family member frowned slightly and glanced at the roof of the building, and couldn't help but chuckled, "This Crane has some skills, actually being able to guess that the Red Sea Society and the Scott family have us behind, it's just a pity that no tricks will play any role in front of absolute power."

"Mr. Brown, since you know about it, come with me."

David's heart sank slightly, and he could feel that killing intention lurking in the shadows was continuously gathering on his body.

He wanted to refuse, but then a voice came into his ears, "Go with him and probe his intentions. Don't worry, I have arranged for an expert to go with you, nothing will happen to you."

This voice was naturally familiar to David, it was none other than Crane.

Since his boss gave the order, he naturally would not refuse.

"Lead the way."

The man surnamed Smith was a little surprised, not expecting David to be so bold, but then he snorted with laughter.

That Crane was still a trash after all. He couldn't even restrain his own men, pathetic and ridiculous.

Unbeknownst to him, at this moment, Crane was looking at their figures, with a cigarette in his mouth.

“Lord Smith, as you instructed, Patrick has successfully got in there."


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