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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 123

Listening to the words coming from the relatives and friends of the Griffith Family, Humphrey couldn't help but feeling proud. 


He even wanted to yell, "It’s me who reserved the room, and it’s me who will pay for all the bills!"


Even Humphrey, a rich man, would think it too lavish to give a party in this top room with a minimum charge of one million dollars.


But in order to win the beauty’s heart, Humphrey went ahead regardless of the consequences. Humphrey, who majored in finance, knew well that only by high input could yield high output.


Iris stared at the handsome Humphrey and looked around the million dollars room, feeling bitter somehow.


If nothing had happened in the Joyclub, Iris would have turned her nose up at Humphrey.


However, these days, those rich young men had not talked to Iris, and Iris had to stop her lavish lifestyle.


Seeing that Humphrey, an excellent overseas returnee, ignored the fact that Victoria had married and got a child, and that he tried to win her over, Iris was somewhat remorseful.


‘If only I had hooked up with the Young Lord successfully that night in the Joyclub, I, Iris, would have been the happiest woman in the whole H City!"


While Iris was in a trance, the door of the box was pushed open, and both Maximilian and Victoria walked into the room.


Everyone stared at Maximilian with great contempt, as if his arrival ruined the atmosphere in the room.


"Look, Maximilian. This is the room with a minimum charge of one million dollars. Do you have enough money to throw a birthday party for your father-in-law here? I’m afraid you can't even afford it even if you sell both of your kidneys.”


"This is the room Humphrey reserved. A poor loser like you can only throw a birthday party for your father-in-law in a common room in Le Sun."


“Lasdun and Le Sun sound alike, but their consumption levels vary enormously. One is at the level of state banquet, while the other is roadside market. How can they compare with each other? Just like you can’t compare with Humphrey.”


The relatives and friends of the Griffiths wanted to invest in a future with Humphrey, so naturally, they invested all their enthusiasm in Humphrey now. They fawned on Humphrey while stepped on Maximilian.


Humphrey was riding the high horse. Not only did the Marcus couple adore him, but these relatives of the Griffiths also helped him, as if it was a piece of cake for him to win Victoria over.


"A snap. It’s just a snap. I happen to have some connection in Lasdun, so I reserved the room for Marcus’ birthday."


Humphrey said in a modest manner, while his eyes fell upon Maximilian. Watching the expressionless Maximilian, Humphrey felt that he was the shiniest star in the room and could definitely tread Maximilian underfoot.


"Listen, how modest Humphrey is. He spent a million dollars without a wink. What have you done, Maximilian? You actually wear a knockoff and show it off to us. Have some self- respect."


Several relatives and friends started to scold him again.


It seemed that scolding Maximilian was their bounden duty.


Humphrey waved his hand generously and put on a winner's face, "Stop scolding Maximilian. He's in a difficult situation. After all, even a loser has pride. Am I right, everyone?"


“Humphrey, how generous you are. You are destined to be successful and make great achievements. People always say that a great person is magnanimous. Humphrey must be a great man in the future."


Franklin was trying his best to flatter Humphrey.


Maximilian didn't say anything, nor did he show any emotion on his face. He only sat down quietly, as if anything happened in the room had nothing to do with him.


Victoria sat down, her face darkened. She didn't feel good when Maximilian was taunted. But what else could she do when Maximilian had no ambition himself and didn't fight for his own honor?


Seeing that, Humphrey suddenly lost interest. If he went on taunting Maximilian, Victoria might be angry with him.


Humphrey, who considered himself as a great mind reader, picked up a handbag aside with a smile. The huge logo of LV was dazzling.


Franklin was almost drooling at the LV logo!


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