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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 19

Maximilian's face was calm as he looked at Ralphy and spoke indifferently,

"Ralphy, is it okay if I do this?"

How did Ralphy dare to say no now? Taking a look at his son who was stifling on the ground, he said,

"That was his deserved punishment and it was just what I wanted.”

The son was injured, but the father actually said it was just what he wanted.

Connor sucked in a breath of cold air. Though he had long known Mr. Maximilian's identity was extraordinary, he was still stunned at the


Ralphy, the chairman of Graham Group, his eldest uncle was Cooper Graham!

He had more connections and status than Connor himself!

If such a person said even one word, he, Connor Davies would have to fall from the clouds to the mortal dust.

Bruno was standing respectfully behind him.

As for Zak, he was lying on the ground at the moment, covering his crotch, looking at his dad with a painful face, and muffled his voice,

"Dad... avenge me..."

Ralphy's face was shaken with anger and the corners of his eyes were cold, since Mr. Maximilian was already kind to leave him alive!

"Take the young master out." Ralphy spoke coldly.

“When you're done with him, send him back to the capital and he is not allowed to step out of there again. If he dares to take half a step outside, I will break his legs!"

The attendant behind Ralphy, bending down, said respectfully,

"Yes, Chairman.’

Soon, Zak was carried out.

Bruno, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, was still a bit flustered, his eyes burning as he stared at Maximilian.

Yes, this young man was indeed the wimpy son-in-law of the Griffith family!

Before, when Bruno was invited to 100th-day birthday party for the youngest daughter by Samuel Griffith, he had seen Maximilian, who was regarded as a waste by all people at that time.

He hadn't put Maximilian in his eyes at first, only thinking that this young man was worthless.

Now it seemed that everyone had misunderstood him!

A moment later, Bruno greeted him with his hands outstretched and a smile on his face, saying,

"Hello, Mr. Maximilian, I'm Bruno Riley."

This was a good opportunity!

Bruno was a person within the system, and naturally understood that the person who could even be respected by Ralphy must be a person with a supreme background.

Maximilian looked hesitantly at Bruno and blandly extended his hand, saying,"I’m Maximilian." Sure enough, it was him!

Then, Ralphy asked his attendant to take out a contract and respectfully handed it to Maximilian, saying,

"Mr. Maximilian, this is the contract, which just need to be signed by Miss Griffith."

Without even looking at it, Maximilian said,

"You can deliver it yourself to the Griffith family's mid-year party tomorrow night."

Ralphy was a clever man, and instantly understood what Maximilian meant.

After that night, he had asked someone to inquire deeply about the Griffith family and found out that Victoria was very unpopular in the family mainly because of Maximilian.

Maximilian was known in Griffith family, and even in H City, as a wimpy punk.

Ralphy was confused as to why Mr. Maximilian had to act in such a low profile when it was obvious that he was powerful and had a strong background.

But, not daring to ask more questions, he nodded in response and said,

"Yes, Mr. Maximilian. Don't worry. I'll make the arrangements tomorrow night."

Maximilian just wanted Victoria to impress everyone at the mid-year party tomorrow night, so Samuel would pay attention to her.

That was easy.

Maximilian didn't say anything else and walked out of Belle Club, followed by Ralphy and the others. Even Bruno was respectfully standing by the side.

After going out, Maximilian looked back at the Belle Club and said to Connor,

"I don't like this place. Bulldoze it."


Connor immediately answered respectfully, and then with a phone call, five bulldozers and shovels went there imposingly!

Bah! One of H City's iconic buildings, the Belle Club, was instantly crashed and razed to the ground!

This scene, too, caused an instant sensation in H City!

Someone recorded a video of the scene, and Maximilian's back was in it.

Just as the people of H City were talking about it, Bruno ordered the relevant TV stations to report that Benjamin had been arrested on suspicion of several charges.

The Belle Club was also found to be involved in improper trading and was closed down.

At the scene, Graham Group's young master, Zak, was also admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment because he was injured in an accident.

In short, all gossip was effectively contained.

Nothing leaked out about the identity of Maximilian.


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