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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 219

Seeing that Maximilian didn't move, Victoria’s tears ran down her cheeks and blurred her vision, and Victoria could no longer see Maximilian's expression clearly.

Knowing that Maximilian was unwilling to leave, Victoria shouted even louder.

"If you don't get out of here, I will be disgusted when I see you. I wanted to divorce you a long time ago. You get out of me, get away, and I don't want to see you again."

Walter watched happily, as if he was watching a great blockbuster movie.

"Good! Loser, your wife asks you to leave. Victoria, do you want to serve me well? Is that why you let your useless husband go away?”

"Victoria, I won't leave. I just kneel down. As long as I can make you safe, let me do anything." Maximilian stared at Victoria affectionately.

Victoria cried out loudly and said unsuccessfully when she was choked, "Stupid, why are you so stupid? You are a fool."

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Walter clapped his hands and applauded, and Barnaby and others on the side also clapped.

"It's really a good show of deep love between the couple, very enjoyable. They all say that happiness is based on the sorrows of others. I feel it today. It's really good. Barnaby, open the Louis XIII for me, and there must be wine at this occasion."

"Young master, you really enjoy it, and I will give you a drink."

Barnaby took Louis XIII wine from someone else, and when he opened the cork, the wine bottle made a bang.

After taking a tulip crystal glass, Barnaby poured the amber liquor into the glass, and then handed it to Walter.

Walter held the wine glass and shook it twice, the wine spinning clockwise in the glass.

" Maximilian, don't you kneel? If you don't kneel, I'll take off your wife's clothes. With such a good skin, tsk tsk, I really want to touch it."

"Don't, don't kneel down, you go, go!" Victoria screamed with all her strength, and her voice was already hoarse.

Maximilian bent his right knee and quickly knelt on the ground, as if he was kneeling on one knee.

"Fuck! You really think you are a knight, so you kneel on one knee. Kneel down on both knees to me, and I want to use your knees to drink wine! If you don’t, I will scratch Victoria's face!"

Maximilian didn't speak, and his left knee also knelt down.

At this moment, there was no humiliation in Maximilian's heart, because Victoria's life was as important as the sky in Maximilian's heart.

"Maximilian, you are too silly." Victoria said sadly, her voice was like bleeding, which made him sad.

Maximilian grinned and looked directly at Victoria, only affectionately.

"Ah, okay, great." Walter smiled happily, put the tulip crystal goblet to his lips, raised his neck and drank the wine.

"Cool! Drink the best wine and play with the most beautiful woman, but this is not exciting enough. Playing with her husband in front of her, and then playing with the woman in front of her husband, is the most exciting thing. Are you ready, trash?"

Walter was extremely proud, and felt that this was the peak of his life, and many fantasy plots would become reality according to his own arrangement.

Being able to change other people's lives made Walter feel like the God.


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