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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 236

Seeing Hugo came in anger, the noisy outdoor hall instantly quieted down. All the people were looking at Maximilian with gloating eyes, then they began to whisper to each other.

"His retribution came so soon. He had just beaten the second grandson of the Wright family to his heart's extent, now he will be one to be taught a lesson."

"Today is the 70th birthday of Hugo. Look at his black face, I'm afraid he would be sick out of anger."

"This is going to be interesting. Maybe people of the Wright family will beat that kid together. Look, the whole Wright family is out, there are also many distinguished guests following them, which are people of power."

All the onlookers were waiting for the interesting show coming up soon. Maggie and Victoria both stood up in a panic when they saw Hugo came.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Hurry up and sit down. Don't be angry." Maggie said to her grandfather uneasily.

"Maggie, come here. What are doing with that ungrateful man who is brutal and cold-blooded? Don't you see how angry your grandfather is?" Gibson shouted at Maggie angrily and dragged her to his side.

"Grandpa, listen to me. Things are not like that…" Victoria wanted to defend Maximilian but her grandfather just refused to listen to her. He stared at Maximilian with angry eyes and raised the dragon-headed walking stick to hit Maximilian.


With the heavy sound, the dragon-headed walking stick fell on Maximilian's shoulders.

Maximilian trembled. Then he gritted his teeth without letting a single sound of moaning.

"You are really a bastard. How dare you hit my grandson? I will pay you back ten times or a hundred times what you did to my grandson. "

"You screw up my birthday banquet! Do you still have the slightest respect for me? Do you still have the slightest respect for the law? Do you even dare to bear a grudge to me? Do you want to kill me to relieve your anger?"

"You are really good for nothing! Apart from being a deadbeat, you only know to cause troubles. Why is there such a loser like you in the Wright family? You don't deserve to remain in our family at all!"

Hugo roared angrily. With every roar, he would hit Maximilian hard with his dragon-headed walking stick.


A series of blows came, and Maximilian gritted his teeth to endure all the pain. At this time, he couldn't defend himself or rebel, because the one who hit him was Victoria's grandfather.

If he defended himself, Victoria would be embarrassed. Maximilian was willing to shoulder everything for Victoria.

The onlookers were enjoying the show with great pleasure. To be able to see such an explosive scene on the birthday banquet of Hugo, they found it more exciting than watching a Hollywood movie.

“Hugo is really angry. But this man is also tough enough. He even never let out a moan."

"Dogs that bite never bark. I think this man might not be someone to be trifled with. Maybe he will bear the grudge in his heart and double his revenge someday."

"He seems to be the grandson-in-law of the elder master of the Wright. Domestic shame is made public. But Hugo has gone too far bullying his grandson-in-law like this."


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