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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 274

Hearing Humphrey mentioning Connor, both Marcus and Laura looked at Humphrey.

“Humphrey, are you talking about the Connor in H city?” said Marcus seriously.

“Yes, that’s him. Connor was greeting this loser, and I felt something weird.” Humphrey said straightforwardly.

Marcus and Laura’s facial expressions turned weird when they thought of Connor’s respectful manners towards Maximilian in Hugo’s party.

Looking at their weird faces, Humphrey got puzzled, “Uncle, auntie, what is wrong?”

“Humphrey, you do not need to ask about this. Maximilian luckily did Connor a favor. He does not really have much to do with Connor.” Marcus came up with an excuse. He did not really know their relationships clearly.

Since he did not know it well, there was no need to explain it. Otherwise, Humphrey might ask more questions, then he might expose that farce in the party, which would be embarrassing.

Laura glared at Maximilian and poked him at his forehead.

“You loser. Did you even flaunt Connor well? Why don’t you grab this rare opportunity to establish a close tie with him?”

Looking at Laura’s attitude towards Maximilian, Humphrey decided not to continue asking, even though he still had questions.

Moreover, judging from Laura’s attitude towards Maximilian, Humphrey assumed that Maximilian did not have much to do with Connor. Maybe Connor just accidentally used Maximilian while he was trying to threaten Frankie.

No matter what, Maximilian already got Frankie, Leon and the rest upset. There would be a nice show waiting for Maximilian when this auction was over.

Humphrey glared at Maximilian, and then said to Victoria, “Vic, tell me if there is anything you like.”

“I am not interested in anything here.” Victoria said coldly.

Laura unpleasantly touched Victoria with her elbow and murmured, “Why are you so silly? When Humphrey gives you presents, you just take them.”

“Why would I take them if I do not need them?” Victoria said lightly.

Laura sighed, knowing that Victoria did not get her idea, so she did not want to continue wasting her time talking.

As the auction started, it attracted everybody’s attention.

Leon was sitting in the front with the rest of his men. During the auction, they talked with each other, then frequently raised the board for many jades.

After getting several jades, Leon said something to Samson, then the latter looked over at Maximilian and gave him a middle finger, “Poor ass, raise your board.”

Immediately, all the bidders looked at their directions.

Under the stares, Marcus and Laura felt embarrassed.

“What’s going on? Humphrey?” asked Laura nervously.

Humphrey glanced at Maximilian and smiled, “Auntie, your loser son-in-law was great that he made the boss of this city, Frankie knelt in front of him.”


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