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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 283

Barrett was really timid. Everyone was afraid of this scene.

He arched his hands at Maximilian to beg for mercy and even thought to kneel directly.

After all, he was in front of a fight master, or the unfathomable kind of master. It’s no shame to kneel to such an expert. Barrett found an excuse for himself in his heart.

Maximilian came step by step, and he was calm with no expression on his face. Looking at this, Barrett felt chilly in his heart.

Barrett knelt down and said in a sad voice, “Please forgive me. I will get out of here. Please forgive me.”

“You can’t go through thick and thin together with your men? That’s not good.” Maximilian said jokingly.

Barrett was so frightened. Seeing his men’s miserable appearance, he thought they would have to lie in the hospital for several months. He didn’t want to be like that.

“They have to go to the hospital. Someone has to take care of them. I can take care of them. Please spare my humble life.”

Barrett, frightened and trembling, was no longer arrogant, but humble.

Maximilian sneered and kicked Barrett in the chest.

“To be a good head, you have to share hardship and difficulty with your subordinates.”

Barrett covered his chest and went out a long way. He felt that his heart would be broken by Maximilian’s kick. He couldn’t say anything because of the pain.

Maximilian took out his cell phone and called Connor, “It’s all done. Come out.”

“Thank you for saving us.” Connor excitedly thanked him. If Maximilian hadn’t arrived in time, Connor would have died today.

Connor didn’t say much either, because it would show no sincerity. He just made up his mind that he would not complain about Maximilian’s work in the future, and he could even die for Maximilian.

Connor walked out of the safe shelter under the protection of his bodyguards.

Looking at the thugs lying outside the warehouse, the bodyguards were stunned.

The bodyguards knew how vicious these people were, but they could not deal with them easily. They were brothers who followed Connor for many years, and they had experienced many dangers together.

“Connor, who is this man? It’s incredible that he defeated so many people alone.”

Connor said in a low voice, “Be extremely respectful to Mr. Lee.”

The bodyguards were slightly stunned, and then nodded neatly.

Maximilian fought a group of people by himself. It was impossible to be disrespectful to him. Otherwise, one was signed his own death warrant. There were so many examples in front of them.

“Mr. Lee. Thank you for saving us!” Connor bowed to Maximilian with his bodyguards.

Maximilian casually waved his hand and took Connor and others to the village road.

“These people are not under Frankie, but under a man named Jasper in the provincial capital. Do you know that man?” Maximilian asked casually.

Connor quickly said, “Jasper, in the provincial capital? His full name is Jasper Mills, who was originally engaged in transportation. Later he became a bandit on road. Now he occupies a large share of the logistics and transportation industry in the province.”


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