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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 364

At noon, in the abandoned factory on the outskirts

The abandoned factory was already surrounded by guards, with countless pairs of eyes staring at the factory's movements.

Aston was sitting on a chair seriously, and a dozen people with different looks were sitting not far away.

Some were incomparably indifferent, some were lazy, and some were talkative and hyperactivity. All these looked strange.

"Aston, how about that Senior Fighter you mentioned? We are all famous killers and have done various kinds of tasks. You cannot send a waste to command us, or we might do it ourselves." The killer, who had been shaking his body and looked like an ADHD child, said.

"Kingsley, you'd better pay attention to your identity. Don't forget who gave you the job." Aston's bodyguard said with a cold face.

"Hey, you're just a flunky of Aston. No matter what, I'm still earning money by my own hands, and it's more dignified than you being a dog." Kingsley said with disdain.

The bodyguard was angry, wanted to reach out and draw his gun, but Aston stopped the bodyguard.

"I know what you think. This is arranged by the master, I have no choice. When Senior Fighter arrives, you can have a match with him. If you can win Senior Fighter, then you have the final say."

The eyes of a dozen killers were shining brightly. As killers, they were living dangerous life every day. But they preferred to act alone because they were worried about others and afraid of stupid teammates.

These killers knew each other somehow, so they could cooperate when performing tasks together. But for the so-called Senior Fighter who came here fresh, they had the feeling of handing their lives to others, so they refused.

"Whoever wins will be in charge of the operation?" Maximilian's voice came from the entrance of the factory.

Aston looked at Maximilian and smiled, "Of course."

More than a dozen killers looked at the suddenly appeared Maximilian. Looking at Maximilian's unfamiliar face, they became alert.

"Aston, he looks unfamiliar, what is his origin? Is he that bullshit Senior Fighter?" Kingsley asked and tilted his head.

"This is Maximilian, he is a native in H City. He is also very capable. I wanted to invite him to join the Gold Medal Killer Alliance, but he refused." Aston narrowed his eyes and said.

"Ai yoo, he is looking down on our Gold Medal Killer Alliance, isn't he? He still fucking didn’t want to join us." Kingsley said acerbically.

The rest of the killers did not say anything, but their expressions revealed their minds, and they all thought Maximilian was looking down upon them.

Maximilian ignored the killers, and took a big step to Aston and said, "Where is the chair I sat in last time."

"Bring Mr. Maximilian a chair." Aston said casually.

The bodyguard brought out the chair Maximilian sat on last time and put it behind Maximilian.

Maximilian sat down. The group of killers looked at Maximilian with anger, because they felt Maximilian was completely ignoring them.

"Where do you come from? You dare to be so arrogant! Don't you fucking know how powerful we are?"


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