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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 402

After hearing Harley's words, Dragon Queen was slightly gloomy.

"It's just Master Benedict. They all support me. With the support of Master Benedict, Maximilian can't afford any storms. In addition, someone is trying to strike Maximilian. What we need to do is to find the key as soon as possible."

After she finished speaking, she took a sip of wine, and restored her usual elegant appearance.

"Someone started to strike him?" Harley's eyes flashed with a look of excitement, as long as someone could kill Maximilian, it would be OK for him.

"Yes, Maximilian recently destroyed the experimental products made by those guys on the other side of the ocean, which is the one that succeeded in the first stage of genetic modification. Although there are only a few genes modified, it is already a great victory for them."

"Destroyed by Maximilian? I heard that the genetically modified guy is a lot stronger." Harley felt a little surprise, and also a little lucky.

He was glad he didn't go to confront Maximilian at the last minute. Otherwise, he would be dead now.

"Shit science! The genetic modification is just a paper tiger. The direction they choose will bear no fruits." Dragon Queen shook her head and said.

Harley was silent for a moment, and looked at her with some surprise, "In that case, aren't they incapable of killing Maximilian?"

"How can it be? Enough number of ants can kill an elephant. Even if Maximilian is covered in iron, he cannot stand a lot of strikes. Those foreigners are very angry and have already used black boxing match to confront Maximilian."

"Black boxing match? That's a cruel event. Every year, dozens of people die in the black boxing match."

Harley vaguely looked forward to it, and even wanted to book a box for the match. It would be wonderful to see Maximilian humiliated in the ring.

"Oh, let's use our heads in the future. After all, he is deemed as the future Dragon King. If we kill him, it would be a stain for us, which will inevitably be used by people who are against us. What we have to do is to lead trouble to others and constantly create enemies for him." Her tone was calm, but what he said made people feel cold all over.

Harley was in a better mood. He took the feet of the Dragon Queen with both hands and put them on his knees, and then gently massaged them.

Dragon Queen narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, and drank the wine comfortably.

Master Benedict answered a phone call, knowing that Dragon Queen had left Dragon Sect and headed for H City, and he became a little fidgety.

"Master Benedict, Harley has returned to the Dragon Queen, and this time he came with her." The assistant bent down and said.

"Shit, this jerk will certainly add inflammatory details in his words to the dragon queen! I shouldn't have come to mess around, and now I am caught in this quagmire, which is really unlucky. "

Master Benedict grasped his hair with both hands, and after being annoyed for a long time, he felt that he needed to meet Maximilian. After all, his life was in Maximilian's hand, so he should communicate well with Maximilian to cope with the arrival of the Dragon Queen.

"Prepare the motorcade and go to see Maximilian." Master Benedict said with a low voice.

"Yes." The assistant soon arranged it, and the motorcade left the villa and headed to the downtown.

Sitting in the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz, Master Benedict took out his mobile phone and dialled Maximilian's phone, "Young Master, I am Benny."

"Well, why?" Maximilian asked lightly.


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