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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 406

At noon, the construction site of the new factory.

Drew entered the arena with his troops and equipment, and began preparations for construction.

In order to show the solemnity, Drew even arranged a set of groundbreaking ceremonies with short notice.

Andrew, Darian, Victoria, and Drew each carried a shovel, and they would shovel the soil later, just to symbolize the start of construction.

"It's almost the time, let's begin our groundbreaking ceremony." Andrew said impatiently.

Since Victoria was responsible for the construction, showing up in this shit groundbreaking ceremony made Andrew feel like he was being humiliated all the time.

Drew glanced at Andrew, but did not see Maximilian showing up. Drew said with dissatisfaction, "For such a big ceremony, Maximilian has to come."


Andrew glared at Drew. Seeing that there was a relationship between relatives, Andrew was not very angry, "Maximilian is not a member of the company. He has no qualifications to participate in any groundbreaking ceremony."

Drew looked at Andrew in amazement, wondering why Andrew had such an expression. Could it be that he didn't know Maximilian was the mysterious rich man Mr. Lee?

"What are you looking at? Don't you think what I said is right?" Andrew said angrily.

"You’d better be polite to Maximilian. Forget it, no more talks. Victoria, please call Maximilian. It is the construction party who invited him to be the guest of the groundbreaking ceremony."

Drew thought that how the Griffiths treated Maximilian was their business, but he had to treat Maximilian well. If such a wealthy man was not treated properly, he would definitely be struck by lightning.

Victoria nodded, took out her mobile phone and called Maximilian.

Andrew's face turned black, and he slammed the shovel in his hand severely, "If you want to call Maximilian over, I will leave immediately!"

"Me too, Victoria, Drew, do you choose Maximilian or us for the ceremony?" Darian followed.

Victoria looked at the two and felt a headache. Just when she didn't know what to do, Maximilian walked over with his hands behind his back.

"Since you come for the groundbreaking ceremony, I won't participate, and the hands-on work is too much trouble." Maximilian said indifferently.

Drew smiled, bowed slightly and said to Maximilian, "It should not be like this."

Maximilian glanced at Drew, and Drew was afraid to speak. He smirked, picked up the shovel and said loudly, "The groundbreaking ceremony begins!"

A series of firecrackers sounded, and Andrew and the others waved a symbolic shovel.

Then workers and equipment entered, and the construction of the factory officially began.

Andrew dropped the shovel and said with a black face, "The ceremony is over. I have to go back to deal with official duties. Darian, you and Victoria can look after the construction site."

Andrew was annoyed by Maximilian’s presence. He didn't want to see Maximilian at all. Drew was especially kind to Maximilian, which made Andrew feel disgusted.


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