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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 421

Flora sat in the Rolls Royce car fully dressed and looked at the winery door calmly.

Flora was not happy or sad, as she had already accepted her fate of being a plaything.

Whether being Harley's plaything or to seduce Maximilian under Dragon Queen's command, it was the same to Flora. To her, it didn't matter who she served and whether the man was handsome or ugly, it was her duty to serve the men.

Flora just wanted to live, which was the profound meaning of her life; as for other dreams and ideals, she didn't care and dare not to ask.

A middle-aged man in a butler's suit sat next to Flora. Seeing her beautiful face, he couldn't help but felt pity for her.

"Flora, Dragon Queen said that if you succeed in this mission, she will release your family and give you freedom in the future."

Flora's eyes lit up for a moment and then dimmed again.

"Your attitude is good. Maximilian isn't a capable man. I believe with your beauty, you should be able to win his heart soon."

"Uncle Dixon, thank you for the compliment." Flora said with her head hanging low.

"Okay, just do what you want later, and I won't interfere."

The Rolls-Royce drove into the winery and attracted many rich young men's attention.

Their cars were all parked in the parking lot outside and couldn't enter the winery.

The Rolls-Royce's entry at this moment made them feel something different. They began to guess who this big shot was.

The Rolls-Royce slowly stopped.

Uncle Dixon was first to get off, then walked to Flora's side to open the door for her.

When he reached out to open the door, he used his right hand to prevent her head from hitting the car roof, which was a standard action for British butler.

Then a fair and straight leg appeared at the car door along with a shining high heel made of countless crystals.

The men were turned on when seeing the leg, and the women felt jealous when seeing the high heel.

The appearance of just a leg attracted so many people's attention. Flora got out of the car and stood by the door lazily.

The black evening gown set off her skin even fairer. Her beautiful figure made those men couldn't help but swallow hard.

When seeing Flora's demure face, many men found their souls being stolen.

She had an extremely charming face. The key was, her ears seemed to be different

She had a pair of pointed ears and the tips of her ears were light blue, just like elves.

"My God, do elves really exist? Who is this beauty? I'm going to propose to her."

"Don't fight with me. She must be mine. Whoever tries to chase her is my enemy."

"Damn it. The beauties I saw in the past were nothing, compared to her. I guess no other beauties could compete with her other than Victoria."

Those rich young men were excited, and they stood up to greet Flora.

Uncle Dixon swept the surrounding with cold and stern eyes and the excited rich young guys all calmed down.

They were all scared by Uncle Dixon's eyes and stopped.


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