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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 457

Thompson titled his head and looked at Maximilian, his eyes full of mockery.

"What you said is really interesting. Nuron has such a powerful Kung Fu, but you said it is just a skill for begging. It is quite incredible. Are you as powerful as Nuron? It's a joke."

Maximilian glanced at Thompson and shook his head with a smile.

Thompson looked at Maximilian with confusion, wondering why Maximilian was laughing, "Do you think what I said is wrong? Or did I hurt your heart by telling the truth? If it really hurts your young heart, I don't mind apologizing to you."

"No, I'm just laughing at your ignorance. Have you ever read any martial arts novels in this country? Do you know beggars have formed a sect called Beggar Sect? Do you know the supreme skills in the Beggar Sect are the 18 Palm Attacks to Defeat Dragons and the Stick Technique to Beat White Chimpanzee?"

Maximilian asked sentence by sentence, and every time he asked, Thompson shook his head blankly. In the end, Thompson looked at Maximilian dumbfounded and didn't know what Maximilian meant.

"Beggar Sect? 18 Palm Attacks to Defeat Dragons? Stick Technique to Beat White Chimpanzee? Are they powerful? I think it should not be as powerful as Nuron. Does it mean you are one of the Beggar Sect and are unconvinced of Nuron?" Thompson said, feeling humiliated.

Maximilian smiled smugly, "Your ignorance makes me desperate. The 18 Palm Attacks to Defeat Dragons can destroy the heaven and earth, and can also take the general's head among ten thousand troops easily. I will tell you the story of Master Guo Jing and Master Qiao Feng, heirs to the Palm Attacks to Defeat Dragons."

Maximilian happily shared with Thompson the martial arts story and the exaggerated battle plots. Thompson was stunned upon hearing them.

Connor looked up at the ceiling, speechless. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Originally they wanted to use this training contest to set up Nuron's prestige, but he had never expected that it turned out to be a story telling session of Maximilian.

More importantly, Thompson was completely attracted by Maximilian's stories. And he chased after Maximilian, asking whether Maximilian had practiced the 18 Palm Attacks to Defeat Dragons.

Nuron also noticed the situation off the stage and expressed his strong dissatisfaction with Maximilian and Thompson's conversation.

"You trash, I am outnumbered, but you are afraid to fight with me? If you are men, you should come to siege me, and show me your guts!"

Nuron roared at the remaining boxers. The eight boxers were frightened by Nuron for a long time. At this moment, they did not dare to go forward and fight with Nuron. Instead, they retreated two or three steps and scattered around.

Nuron became angry and rushed directly to the nearest boxer.

When the white boxer saw Nuron drawing near, he took two steps back in panic and jumped directly out of the ring.

"Don't chase me, I surrender! I won't participate in this boxing tournament anymore!" The white boxer got out of the ring, his hands high, and refused to fight with Nuron anymore.

Nuron gritted his teeth fiercely, chased after him with red eyes, and swung his fist toward the white boxer's head.

"I surrender and admit my defeat! You can't hit me!"

The white boxer fell to his knees in panic, but Nuron didn't listen to what he said and smashed his fist into the white boxer's temple.

Bang! The white boxer was smashed and rolled over to the floor, a stream of blood spurting from his mouth, and his body twitching in pain.

"Don't, don't beat me! I quit!"

"You say you won't fight and that is all? When you get into the ring, there are only choices, life or death!" After saying this, Nuron stomped on the white boxer's face and smashed his cheek into pieces.


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