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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 460

After saying this, Flora saw Maximilian put down his arm, so she immediately jumped into Maximilian's embrace.

"Well, well, what a warm embrace."

Flora's face filled with happiness, and she couldn't help but rub her face against Maximilian's chest.

Maximilian lowered his head and looked at Flora. He wanted to push Flora away directly, but seeing Flora's happy face, he did not bear to do it.

If he pushed Flora away at such a moment, it would make this elf girl sad. Well, her happy smile reminded him of his daughter

Maximilian tilted his head and tried to think of Flora as his daughter Sissi.

"It is so comfortable. I really want to hug you forever. This feeling is really good."

Flora reluctantly let go of Maximilian. She wanted to hug Maximilian that way all the time. It would be even better if she could hug Maximilian until the wasteland and the old sea were withered.

Maximilian rubbed Flora's head and wanted to rub Flora's soft hair shaggy, making her look cute.

"Okay, the celebratory hug is over, and it's time for you to tell me how you ran here."

"Victoria went to the construction site. I was bored in the office alone. I wanted to run out to play. I saw your apprentice when I went out. He drove me in. But he was scared to tears just now. He looks like a total loser."

Maximilian looked at Canaan in silence, who was wiping tears off his face. Maximilian did not expect Canaan to be so timid and could be frightened by Nuron’s ferocity.

Canaan cried and walked to Maximilian, lowered his head, and said, "I didn't cry just now. It was because the sand got into my eyes. It hurts when I rubbed my eyes."

"Hey, don't pretend, okay? Do you want me to tell the way you were just now?" Flora raised her head and said.

"Don't, Miss Flora, save me some face."

Flora fiercely glared at Canaan, wanting to stop him from saying the three words Miss Flora, but in the end, she did not.

Maximilian turned his face and looked at Flora. Flora said awkwardly, "He was the one who wanted to call me like that, and it has nothing to do with me."

When Maximilian was about to have a good talk with Flora, Connor walked over quickly.

"Mr. Maximilian, today your match finishes early, so you can leave, if you have nothing to do." Connor said while giving Maximilian a wink.

Nuron was the key player to be trained in the International underground Boxing tournament. But before he could enter the main event, Maximilian defeated him directly, and it seemed that he wouldn't even survive.

If someone from the organizing committee of the International underground Boxing tournament was dissatisfied and wanted to make trouble, it was not what Connor wanted to see.

The biggest dream in Connor's heart was to let Maximilian finish the tournament sound and safe.

Maximilian nodded slightly, headed out with Flora and Canaan, and left the Stadium.

After sending Maximilian out of the training hall and watching Maximilian and others drive away, Connor turned his head back to the training hall.


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