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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 496

"Got it. Darling, you should go home by yourself after work today. I have to teach Canaan drive until late at night. Then I will go home directly." Maximilian said with a smile.

"Okay, just go. Be patient when teaching Canaan. Try your best to teach him."

"I know. He is my disciple anyway. I will give him all the help I can offer."

Maximilian signaled Canaan, opened the office door, and walked out.

Both Flora and Canaan followed Maximilian out of the office.

The three of them left the office building and got into Canaan's Mercedes. Then Canaan started the car.

In the car, Flora held Maximilian's arm and said, "Maximilian, are you going to the boxing match? Bring me with you, and I can cheer you up!"

"For what? Maybe Harley will be there as well. Do you want to meet him?"

Flora's face went gloomy and she said with a pout, "I don't want to see him. He is a bad guy, a damn evil bastard."

"You and Canaan just wait for me outside. It won't cost more than thirty minutes." Maximilian said with certainty.

"Master, you should be careful and not fail because of negligence. No, no, no, no more doomsayers."

Canaan knocked on the wood and then said, "Master, where are we going right now? It is still too early to go to the Boxing Stadium."

"Of course, it's a bit early. Find a place and wait for the scheduled time."

Flora's eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "I know from the Internet that there is a popular restaurant. How about we go there for dinner?"

"That's fine, let's go there." Maximilian said with his eyes closed and didn't bother with it anymore.

Flora gave Canaan the address, then chattered about how good the restaurant was.

Inside the Boxing Stadium.

Bruce was sitting in the lounge and staring carefully at the screen in front of him.

It was the video of Maximilian fighting Nuron. The video was playing in slow motion. Both Maximilian and Nuron seemed to be old men, moving ridiculously slow.

There were boxing coaches sitting behind Bruce and they were also staring at the screen.

"We have seen this video countless times, but I still can't figure out how he attacked. His body didn't move much at all. This just doesn't make any sense. The modern way of combat shouldn't be like this.

"Yes, people would turn their legs, waist, shoulders, and elbows to get power from the whole body. But Maximilian didn't do that at all. He seemed to kill Nuron easily in a teasing way, with only his arms and hands."

"This opponent is troublesome. Bruce, you have to be well-prepared, it might be a tough fight. In my opinion, you'd better take some drugs in advance. On the one hand, it reduces your pain perception; on the other hand, it could stimulate your brain so that you can react faster."


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