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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 502

“What’s wrong? Someone is going to steal things from you?” Victoria was confused.

Flora, who was taking photos, stuck out her tongue. She was the one who wanted to steal things from Maximilian. How would Victoria treat her if Maximilian told her what was going on? Would Victoria drive her out?

Flora suddenly became nervous and looked at Maximilian in a pitiful way.

Maximilian curled up his lip and said with a smile, “Well, someone wanted to steal the jade dragon I gave your father last time, so I am considering sending him a fake one. There is a saying, the concern of the thief is worse than the theft itself.”

Victoria nodded and answered, “Well, it’s true. But what’s the relation between that thief and Flora…” Victoria stopped, glancing at her.

She was a little doubtful towards her. The reason that she was willing to take her home was because she wanted to observe what exactly Flora was going to do. However, now she was jealous of her because she seemed to have a secret with Maximilian.

Flora was very confused. She couldn’t even feel her brain working and the smartness she showed on a daily basis had gone completely. She stared at the jade dragon in front of her in a trance and didn’t dare to raise her head.

Maximilian hinted Victoria and said with a smile, “After Connor told me the situation, I let Flora and Canaan help me contact them.”

Although knowing he was not telling the truth, Victoria didn’t ask further questions because he had given her a hint.

“Well, you’re so bold. What would happen to them if they are exposed?” Victoria blamed him.

Maximilian smiled awkwardly, held her in his arms, and said something nice to her, trying to comfort her.

Flora finally came back to normal. She sent the pictures to Harley after taking photos carefully.

Harley, who was waiting for her message, immediately picked up the phone when hearing the vibration.

He held his breath after seeing the pictures Flora sent. He zoomed in the picture and watched it carefully.

“It’s of good quality, made in ancient time, and was perfect in gloss. It is a treasure to hand down. I don’t know whether this is the key or not. Maybe it’s the key because the jade can match the dragon sect.” Harley whispered and was uncertain.

He picked up the phone and went to Dragon Queen’s room after thinking for a while.

He opened the door, crept around and finally rested his glance on the bed.

Dragon Queen was wearing a transparent yarn nightgown. She lied on the bed sluggishly, showing her perfect figure, gorgeous and tempting.

Harley suddenly felt his head was dizzy because Dragon Queen looked so attractive. Although he had served her for a long time, he seldom saw her in this way.

“What’s wrong? What are you doing here?” Dragon Queen’s voice was soft and gentle.

Harley immediately lowered his head and answered in a respectful manner, “Flora has sent me the message that she has found a jade dragon that looks like the key. I don’t know whether it is true or not, so I’m here to ask for your help.

“Well, good job. Come and let me have a look.” Dragon Queen couldn’t wait to see it.

Harley hurriedly came to the bed and gave his phone to her with both hands.


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