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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 508

"Your company? No need." Maximilian said indifferently.

Canaan smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

After packing up the stuff, Maximilian and Canaan carried them and went downstairs together. Flora took Victoria's arm and said something happy to comfort Victoria. They got into the Mercedes Benz, and Canaan drove it away.

Standing in front of the window, Andrew and Darian watched the Mercedes-Benz leaving, with triumphant smiles on their faces.

"This is great. As expected, they have been driven out finally." Andrew said.

"Moreover, the company is in a very good situation now. It only costs 1 million dollars to take the shares of Marcus and others. We are making a lot of money."

Andrew and Darian looked at each other with a smile and left the conference room together.

Maximilian sat on the passenger seat in the Mercedes. He took out his cell phone, set the navigation, and asked Canaan to drive according to the navigation. Canaan followed the navigation and soon drove out of the city.

Looking at the wilderness on both sides of the road, Victoria asked with confusion, "Why are we out of the city? Where are we going?"

"For your surprise. We will arrive soon." Maximilian said happily.

"Surprise? What surprises in this wilderness?" Victoria was puzzled.

Flora pointed out the window and said with concerns, "This is not really the middle of nowhere, right? Victoria, look over there, the buildings over there look amazing."

Victoria followed Flora's direction and soon saw a group of buildings, "Really, it does look quite vanguard. I don't know which company is over there. It should be an industrial park."

The Mercedes-Benz continued to move forward quickly and soon arrived at the gate of the park.

Looking at the title Topyuan Group written on the huge landscape stone at the entrance of the park, Victoria opened her mouth in surprise.

"Wow!" Flora shouted, "Topyuan Group, Victoria, this place is related to you, right?"

"I... I don't know." Victoria was surprised and confused, and looked straight at Maximilian.

Maximilian looked at Victoria with deep affection and said, "Honey, this is my gift to you. From now on, the Topyuan Group will be under your name, and you will become the queen here."

"Wow!" Flora's tone was full of envy. She had seen someone sending cake, diamond ring, and super luxury jewelry, and even villa, and yacht. But she had never seen someone sending such a large industrial park to show his love.

Canaan was also stunned. As a rich kid, Canaan had seen big scenes, but it was the first time he saw someone sending such a big industrial park out. Looking at the industrial park's surrounding, and the hi-tech buildings, Canaan estimated that the investment would cost at least one billion dollars.

Ancient people said to spend gold to win a beauty’s smile, but Maximilian spent billions of dollars to his wife.

"You, you, are the legendary mysterious rich man?" Victoria looked at Maximilian in surprise. Instantly countless previous suspicions about Maximilian surged into Victoria's mind.

Maximilian opened the car door, smiling and nodding, and got out of the car. Then he went around to the side where Victoria was and opened the door. He stretched out his hand and said, "Honey, please get out of the car. I have many words to say to you."


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