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Dragon Master novel Maximilian novel Chapter 516

In front of the service counter, Canaan was red to the tip of his ears. The banker refused to pay out his winnings, which was worth 3.2 billion dollars, and anyone would find it hard to accept.

"What’s wrong with you guys on earth? Why can’t I cash it out?" Canaan pounded the desk in rage.

The beauty behind the counter gave an awkward but polite smile. "Please hold on a second, sir. It’s not that we stop you from cashing out, but there’s something wrong with our system. Please wait for a moment patiently."

"There’s nothing wrong with your system! Here is my betting slip! Clearly, you refuse to cash out my winnings!" Canaan waved the betting slip furiously.

Several strong white men with blond hair walked over. "Fuck! I recommend you not to make trouble. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences."

"Are you threatening me? Get your manager here! I want to talk to him in person!" Canaan roared fearlessly.

Flora had already called Maximilian. Maximilian would show up soon, which emboldened Canaan. He even dared to create uproar in Heaven with Maximilian right now.

These strong white men’s faces darkened. In their opinion, Canaan was nothing but a yellow monkey, and he should be obedient.

"What? You want to see our boss? Are you fucking crazy? It seems that you don’t want your betting slip anymore. Hand over your betting slip at once!"

Those white men surrounded Canaan and Flora, staring at them with fists clenched and jaws set, as if they would beat the two up if they dared to disagree with them.

"Why isn’t Maximilian here yet? They are going to hit us. Can you fight against them, Canaan?” Flora said worriedly.

Flora had no sense of security at all when she was with Canaan, but when with Maximilian, she could be sound and safe.

Each inch of Canaan’s muscle and fat was trembling.

Watching those tall and strong white men in front of him, Canaan swallowed hard, believing that he was doomed.

He certainly couldn’t!

He was no different from a chick. If they really beat him, he would definitely be torn to pieces by these strong men!

"I, I’m a little nervous, but don’t worry. I’ll protect you at the risk of my own life!"

"Don’t bother. I’ll just make another phone call to Maximilian." Flora didn’t trust him at all.

If they really were in a fight, Flora assumed it would take at most three seconds before Canaan was brought down.

Just when Flora was about to pick up her phone, the head of the white men had already taken hold of Canaan’s neck.

"Fucking little bastard! Haven’t you heard what I said? I told you to hand over your betting slip!" The white man said coldly.

"No, I won’t! Behave yourself, or I’ll call the police!"

Canaan had already got into a total panic and even had difficulty in breathing. He grabbed the white man’s arm with both his hands, intending to pull away the hand that was gripping his neck.

"Wow, it seems that you are a reckless yellow monkey. Then I will teach you a good lesson!"

The white man raised his left hand and swung at Canaan’s face.

Seeing the hand coming to him rapidly, Canaan closed his eyes, thinking that he was doomed for a good kick this time.

'But I, Canaan, choose death before disgrace!'

'Even if you beat me up, I won’t hand over the betting slip. I will fight to the end!'

Just when Canaan was putting on a play in his mind and felt as if he was the hero in the novel, the overwhelming wind brought by the slap vanished suddenly.

Well, something was not right. Canaan’s tightly shut eyes opened a crack.


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