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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 148

"Thunder road pattern, broken!"

Liu Tianhao looked at the Yellow rolling that stood up and fell on the ground, and suddenly his pupils shrunk.

All people were horrified to look at the Taoist field, all over the Yellow rolling.


"Is it a real move that doesn't hold back?"

The students of the University were surprised and surprised.

It's too fast to win! It's much faster than beating Wenlin! "It seems that as long as brother Lin is active, he can break this guy in a moment!"

There was a way that the students were excited about.

Lin Feiyan is stronger than all of them expected.

It's too fast to win! One finger! One point to break the Yellow rolling thousand thunder body.

You know, Huang Ran is also the top Marquis, the strength is stronger than the Wenlin.

But the loser is faster than Wenlin.

However, I think it is right to think carefully.

After all, Lin Feiyan and Wenlin did not attack actively, but attacked them back.

When he was beaten with Huang, Lin Feiyan was active in attack, and even the attack means of Huang ran were not ready, and he was dried up by Lin Feiyan.

What a terrible power.

It's just the invincible existence! Fora while, the students of the University of Hotan were smiling.

Is the university finally going to win this conference.

"Elder brother Huang ran "Lost!"

And Emperor Ji Xian Zong side, looking at the dark charcoal like yellow rolling, suddenly feel the heart pull cold pull cool.

The defeat was extremely miserable.

It's incredible.

Although they knew that Huang ran could not win, they didn't expect to lose so badly.

It's hard to accept.

Liu Tianhao, who was on the edge of the road field, could not help but suck a breath of cool air, and his eyes were very heavy.

Huang ran was so miserable that he went up, just afraid it was almost the same.

At this time, Liu Tianhao felt that he was being stared at by a line of eyes.

Liu Tianhao looked up and found Lin Feiyan on the road field took a hand, and looked at him calmly, and said slowly, "Litian academy forest Feiyan."

"Please fight!"

Lin Feiyan is good for liutianhao.

"Is elder martial brother Lin going to suppress all the five princes of emperor Jixian clan by himself?"

This immediately excited the students of the University.

Zhang Yanliang saw this scene, can not help but show a smile, eyes with the color of comfort.

In the past years, the Royal and Hou level battles were supported by him alone, but the emperor Jixian clan had a cold and easy place, and he could not help.

But this time, the cold Yi fan is not in, and his side, also more forest Feiyan.

This conference is easier than you would expect.

Liu Tianhao saw Lin Feiyan challenge himself, he squinted a little, stood up and walked to the road field.

However, he did not fight, but will seriously hurt Huang toss up, back to Lin Feiyan said: "you win."

After that, Liu Tianhao took Huang ran out of the Taoist court and handed it to the elder, Lu Chengde.

"Irely on this guy to admit to lose!"

The students of the University of Hotan called.

"This guy, too weak chicken, just a pick six time is not so arrogant, how to directly admit now?"

"Haha, I'm not afraid of being beaten to death by elder martial brother Lin."

Among the ridicule of many students in lietian academy, Liu Tianhao returned to yexuan without saying a word.

The disciples of huangjixianzong were all red eyed.

Looking at yexuan, some of them could not hold their breath and said, "elder martial brother, go to clean up this arrogant guy quickly!"

"If you don't deal with him, he'll turn the world upside down!"

Night Xuan feels chin, stares at Lin Feiyan wrist that string of simple rosary beads, soft voice way: "young Wei, you go to meet him."


Zhou Youwei is concise.

As the voice fell, Zhou Youwel's whole body had already flown to the center of the dojo.

Today, Zhou Youwei is dressed in a white suit.

Her skin is as white as frost.

Green silk flying, ethereal absolutely vulgar, God show implication, flesh and bone.

Duan is unique, unique in the world! The white clothes flutter, and Zhou Youwei falls in the middle of the Taoist temple.

She has a hazy immortal light on her body and the sun and moon behind her.

The incomparable holy steps set off by her are like Guanghan fairy in the dust.

It's so beautiful! "Huangjixianzong, Zhou Youwei."

"Please fight, my friend."

Zhou Youwei slowly gave a gift, with a beautiful voice, just like fairy music.


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