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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 156

Whew, whew, whew-———— 

Ten index strength, to break the air.


In the face of the fierce force from breaking the air, yexuan didn’t panic and vomited a word.

Whoosh, whoosh————

 In an instant, the water droplets suspended around the night Xuan suddenly shot out.

Poop, poop, poop————

 The finger force collided with the water drops and burst out a dull sound.

The drops of water exploded, but the thunder didn't explode.

But there are more drops.

But refers to the strength, is discharges the strength, cannot hurt the night Xuan.

Zhang Yanliang saw this and squinted slightly.

This water bead, with before and Lin Feiyan duel time, seem to have some different.

Before yexuan and Lin Feiyan duel, he has been paying attention to, yexuan display of water, contains the thunder method, extremely terrible.

Even before Lin Feiyan ate a dull loss.

So for those drops, Zhang Yanliang is extremely vigilant.

But just the trial is to let him find, it seems that some changes have taken place.

"Is it true that this guy's Qi has been almost consumed..."

Zhang Yanliang said in secret.

With this in mind, instead of rushing to get close to him, Zhang Yanliang stood up in the air with both hands and raised his hand.

The majestic Qi comes out like a river and turns into a big hand blocking the sky and the sun.

It is photographed in the direction of yexuan.

He wasn't sure whether yexuan’s real Qi was consumed excessively, so he decided to test it more.

Whoosh, whoosh———— 

Seeing that Zhang Yanliang didn't get close, but flew in the air to attack, yexuan whispered: "I can't see that this guy is very alert."

Night Xuan fingertip micro motion, so that more water out, toward the big hand to block the sky.

Poop, poop, poop——-——

 The drops of water bombard the hand of Zhengi, which blocks the sky and the sun, and make a light sound, which seems to be dispersing continuously.

This kind of attack, for the big hand, had no effect at all, and was shot away in an instant.

The big hand that blocks the sky and the Sun continues to fall towards the night.

Boom! Before it fell, yexuan had already felt the strong wind.

The wind made the robes rustle and the black hair fly.

Night Xuan slightly raised his head, looking at the majestic Qi giant palm, deep eyes burst out a fine awn.

"I haven't opened the gate yet."

The night Xuan muttered a, idea move.


The next moment, a vast God gate suddenly appeared on the top of yexuan’s head.

With the appearance of the vast God gate, Zhang Yanliang’s huge real Qi palm was directly scattered! "What?"

Zhang Yanliang was surprised.

"How can it be?"

The disciples of both sides, as well as Zhou Zihuang and Hong Yunlie, were shocked.

"Can Shenmen defuse the enemy's attack?"

"What is this operation?"

Hong Yunlie’s heart swelled with waves.

The gate of God, which is connected with the virtual divine world, is between the virtual and the real.

It has no ability to attack and the enemy can’‘t touch it.

But the scene just now is beyond everyone's understanding.

Night Xuan’s God gate, unexpectedly solved Zhang Yanliang's attack! "Is it because of the spirit of the empty divine world of the night mystery?"

Zhou Zihuang suddenly thought of something and fixed his eyes on the divine gate of yexuan.

Not only the emperor of Zhou, but also everyone was staring at the gate of night.

This is the first time for yexuan to open the door of God in front of outsiders, and those people just want to know what the spirit of yexuan’s virtual god world is.


 Aburst of dark light surged.

When Guanghua dispersed, everyone was confused.

"Atree "Little tree?"

Everyone is stupid.

Isaw a small tree in the gate of the night! There is no brilliant place, just like an ordinary small tree.

It's so humble.

What is the class of such a spirit in the virtual world? "It can't be the spirit of the empty god world that doesn't enter the stage..."

Someone whispered, deep in doubt.

As we all know, the spirit of the virtual god world is divided into one to ten levels.

Among them, the ninth and tenth order are the rarest, belonging to the existence of legend.

All living beings, after opening the door of God, many monks awaken the spirit of the first to the eighth level of the virtual divine world.

But in this world, there are always very few exceptions.

The awakened spirit of the virtual god world is out of step.


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