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Emperor of all ages novel Chapter 159

Yexuan starts to shake the gate of heaven! Its hard to bear the vision of just starting.

The terrible pressure ¡is like the fury of heaven, Just like the rolling of the sea of gods Everyone around felt the unbeatable suppression of the sword.

Zhang Yanliang, who was the first to bear the brunt, was completely set in place and unable to move.

At this moment, Zhang Yanliang couldn't even open his eyes.

He could only squint and feel the terrible power of the world around him.

"How can it be?"

Zhang Yanliang was shocked to the extreme.

This night Xuan, why show out of strength, compared with just now, completely changed a person! lÍyexuan was just a master of kendo, now yexuan Is a king of swords, calling for all swords in the worldl It's hard to bear the horror of the sword.

It's horrible! "Its Impossible to fight At this moment, Zhang Yanliang had no idea of resisting.

lf he resists this kind of terrible power, he will be seriously injured or even die in an instant.

Although he said that he would resist the blow, he did not dare to resist under the threat of his life.

However, Zhang Yanliang found himself unable to move.

The invisible pressure made him unable to move! "Bad!"

Zhang Yanliang tried his best to find that he was still unable to move, which made him a little flustered.

""It seems that we can only use Dongtian!"

Zhang Yanliang clenched his teeth and drank.

Boom———— Along with Zhang Yanliang's thoughts, there was a twist in the void above Zhang Yanliang's head.

Then, a surge of life essence burst out.

Ifs like a volcanic eruption! "This Is..."

"Is there a cave only at the rank of king?"

All of them were shocked, staring at Zhang Yanliang.

The land of yuan is the rank of marquis.

The realm of Dongtian ¡is the king level! After reaching the realm of the cave, you can open up the cave and make your life force soar and your life Span increase.

The more monks in the cave, the stronger their strength and the longer their life span.

Zhang Yanliang is a feudal king.

Boom, boom———— Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Yanliang's head was suspended with three cavesl Every cave, all burst out the surging life essenece, just like a volcanic eruption.

With the appearance of the three caves, Zhang Yanliangs breath soared as if he had been qualitatively changed.

The whole person's breath has become different, bathed in the majestic life essence.

"Back ụp!"

But this did not let Zhang Yanliang have any confidence, but chose to retreat at the first time! At the same time, night Xuan a "sword"

cut out "word gas rolling dragon walll"

Night Xuan low roars.

Boom! The fine sword Q¡ at the fingertip was cut out in an instant.

Clearly fine as gossamer, bụt the burst out of the power really makes people feel tremor.

Its as if there are hundreds of millions of sword Oi gathered together to form a sword O¡ evil dragon.

It rolls in the void and smashes the void.

incorrect! Its not smashing! Its smashing! Ifs sword Qi, buụt ít gives people a feeling of blunt attack! Boom! In the void, an earth shaking sound broke out.

At this moment, everyone saw an amazing scene.

A translucent sword evil dragon, rolling ¡n the void, bumps into Zhang Yanliang! Boom—-—— Almost for a moment, Zhang Yanliang's first defense white jade shield was bombarded with terrible sword gi The three meter thick white jade shield, under the impact of sword Gi, didn't even support for half a second.

It disintegrated and annihilated.

Atthis time, Zhang Yanliang Jjust propped up three caves.

Looking at the white jade shield even half a second did not resist, Zhang Yanliang pupil suddenly shrunk.

Boom! Sword Oi, iPs in front of you.

Poofl The white Jade God cauldron, like paper paste, was disintegrated in an instant.

Then there are white jade patterns, magma like armor, Spirit weapon armor All of Zhang Yanliangs defense methods were instantly disintegrated under yexuan's "sword Oi rolling on the Dragon Wall".

Zhang Yanliang had already felt the fierce sword Qi almost penetrating his skin and penetrating into his body! "Dongtian!"

At the critical moment, Zhang Yanliang replaced his three caves with his body.

Booml The sword air rolled and the Dragon Wall collided with the three caves.

Its a big bang!"Stop, blocking it? "

All the people exclaimed.

"It's blocked!"

The students of lietian college were all excited.

The sword was hard for everyone.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Zhang Yanliang blocked the terrible sword with the unique cave of Fengwang level! "Haha ha ha, our lietian academy won!"


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